RSB-4680 How to use GPIO.
The RK3288 bank/bit notation for GPIOs must be formed as "GPIO<GPIO_bank>_<gpio_bit>"
The numeric value of GPIO is calculated as follows:
32 x (gpio_bank) + gpio_bit - 8
Group GPIO0 only 24 gpios,So each GPIO Num subtracts 8.
gpio_bit : A0~A7 0-7 B0~B7 8-15 C0~C7 16-23 D0~D7 24-31
E.g. GPIO2_A4 becomes 60
GPIO Number | GPIO formed | Numeric Representation |
GPIO0 | GPIO7_A3 | 219 |
GPIO1 | GPIO7_A4 | 220 |
GPIO2 | GPIO7_A5 | 221 |
GPIO3 | GPIO7_C5 | 237 |
GPIO4 | GPIO8_A2 | 250 |
GPIO5 | GPIO8_A3 | 251 |
GPIO6 | GPIO8_A0 | 248 |
GPIO7 | GPIO8_A1 | 249 |
Export GPIO then you can use control GPIO from userr space through sysfs
Export GPIO0
# echo 219 > /sys/class/gpio/export
Set GPIO direction to in/out
# echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio219/direction
Set GPIO value 0/1 if GPIO pin define is output
# echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio219/value
Used as IRQ signal
Note:You have to configure GPIO to input
# echo "rising" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio219/edge
- rising: Trigger on rising edge
- falling: Trigger on falling edge
- both: Trigger on both edges
- none: Disable interrupt on both edges
Unexport GPIO0
# echo 219 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport
GPIO 219 and GPIO 220 are taken as an example:
- Connect GPIO 219 and GPIO 220
- Export GPIO 219 and GPIO 220
# echo 219 > /sys/class/gpio/export # echo 220 > /sys/class/gpio/export
- Set GPIO 219 to output
# echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio219/direction
- Set GPIO 220 to input
# echo "in" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio220/direction
- Change GPIO 219 to 1 and read GPIO 220 value
# echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio219/value # cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio220/value 1
- Change GPIO 219 to 0 and read GPIO 220 value
# echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio219/value # cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio220/value 0