Agent_Modbus_Handler ReleaseNote V2.0.1 ----------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2018/09/28 OS: Windows 7/10 ----------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Support block data R/W function ----------------------------------------------------- CHANGES ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES ----------------------------------------------------- Modbus Service V2.0.1 RC1: 1. Fix the bug that getting 32bit register fail problem. 2. Fix the bug that getting "Version" and "Description" timeout problem. Modbus Service V2.0.1 RC2: 3. Fix the bug that showing incorrect input register value problem. WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense V1.0.87: 4. Fix the bug that cannot input native value in "Read/Update Sensor Data" page. 5. Fix the bug that cannot show all sensor data in the "Monitor" page. 6. Fix the bug that cannot show float point value in the "Read/Update Sensor Data" page. ----------------------------------------------------- NOTES ----------------------------------------------------- Please refer below wiki for the detail information