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== <span style="color:#0070c0">http Server</span> ==
== <span style="color:#0070c0">http Server</span> ==
We support an embedded web server name lighttpd and the matrix gui is based on it.
We support an embedded web server name lighttpd and the matrix gui is based on it.
== <span style="color:#0070c0">Telnet Server</span> ==
== <span style="color:#0070c0">http Server</span> ==
== <span style="color:#0070c0">http Server</span> ==
=Other Application=
=Other Application=

Revision as of 09:52, 29 September 2016


Advantech has built five common network services for am335x advantech platform: tftp service, ftp service, ssh service, telnet service and http service.

Tftp Server

When boot up the target board, the tftp service is already started by default(am335x advantech platform) and the tftp server’s working directory is /tftpboot. You need execute “chmod 777 /tftpboot” on target system to let the tftp server work. Then, user can tftp to target board by tftp client in host PC. Use command to get and put file like this:

tftp>get file1
tftp>put file2

Command “get file1” is to download file1 from tftp server. File “file1” must exist under the directory /tftpboot on your target filesystem; Command “put file2” is to upload file2 to tftp server. If put file2 success, file2 will be put to directory /tftpboot on your target filesystem;

Ftp server

The ftp server on target system is vsftpd and you should manually start it using flowing command:

root@am335x-adv:/ # /etc/init.d/vsftpd start

While, the stoping command is:

root@am335x-adv:/ # /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop

Note. After start the ftp server. You had to manually add user ftp:

root@am335x-adv:/ # adduser ftp
root@am335x-adv:/ # chown root:root /home/ftp/

Then you can ftp your target board using user ftp.

Ssh server

When boot up the target board, the ssh service is already started by default. You can run the following command on your host PC to login the target system:

hostPC$ sudo ssh -l root TARGET_SYSTEM_IP

telnet Server

When boot up the target board, the telnet service is already started by default. You can run the following command on your host PC to login the target system:

hostPC$ sudo telnet TARGET_SYSTEM_IP

http Server

We support an embedded web server name lighttpd and the matrix gui is based on it.

http Server

Other Application