Modbus Service
1. Double click Agent_Modbus_Handler_2.0.0.exe to start installation.
2. Click "Next" on the Welcome screen.
3. Select Installation Folder and then click "Next" to continue.
4. Click "Install" on the Ready to Install screen to continue.
5. Installation completed, click "Finish" button to exit the Setup Wizard.
1. Open File Explorer and change target folder to the Modbus Service installation folder.
2. Open and edit the file Mobus_Handler.ini
2.1 Give a Name for the platform.
2.2 Set the Protocol.
For the modbus TCP devices:
ClientIP=(IP address of Modbus TCP devices)
ClientPort=(Port of Modbus TCP devices)
For the modbus RTU devices:
SlavePort=(The serial port's device node of the gateway which connect to Modbus RTU devices)
Baud=(The baud rate of the serial port)
Parity=(The parity of the serial port)
DataBits=(The data bits of the serial port)
StopBits=(The stop bits of the serial port)
2.3 Set the number of modbus devices and device detail information file.
2.4 Set the content of device detail information.
EdgeSense Linux Docker version
How to config Modbus Service and Restart Service
$cd ${Installed path}/Installer/packages/Plugins/docker-edgesense-image-x86/EdgeSense/EService-Modbus/config $sudo vim Modbus_Handler.ini $sudo docker restart service-modbus