IoTGateway/BSP/Android/Gettingstarted/How to use UART
The Android/Linux UART/serial port access from user is through the tty-devices. The tty-devices have different names depending on UART driver on different board.
standard baud rate
The utility stty can configure the serial speed. Then the com port can be accessed as a file:
Check baudrate
# stty -F /dev/ttymxc1 115200
#cat /dev/ttymxc1 &
#echo test > /dev/ttymxc1
RS-485 uses half-duplex communication, which means that one medium is shared for transmitting and receiving data. Therefore the system needs to control the RS-485 transceiver's transmit mode. Usually the UART RTS signal is used to switch the transmitter on and off. Our modules provide the following support:
Enable the RS-485 feature by either using ioctrl TIOCSRS485 from user space as described in RS-485 Kernel Documentation.
ROM3420 Borad
COM Name | NXP/Freescale Name | Device |
RS485 support |
COM0 | UART2 |
/dev/ttymxc1 |
Yes |
COM1 | UART4 |
/dev/ttymxc3 |
Yes |
COM2 | UART5 |
/dev/ttymxc4 |
Yes |
ROM7421 Borad
COM Name | NXP/Freescale Name | Device |
RS485 support |
COM0 | UART2 |
/dev/ttymxc1 |
No |
COM1 | UART4 |
/dev/ttymxc3 |
No |
Test Sample
1. Click "Serial Port"
2. Click "Setup"
3. Click "Device" , and choose the used device(e.g. ttymxc1)
4. Click "Baud rate" , and choose the used baudrate(e.g. 115200)