How to debug
Revision as of 08:55, 25 March 2019 by Yunjin.jiang (talk | contribs)
There are plenty types of usb to uart bridge in the market . Most of them use the following chip :
- CP210X
- PL2303
Download driver for CP210X and PL2303 .
Hardware PIN define
RSB4680 debug port pin define :
PIN | PIN Name |
1 | NC |
2 | TX |
3 | RX |
4 | GND |
Note :
Please connect device's TX to usb2uart adapter's RX and device's RX to usb2uart adapter's TX .
UART parameter
- BaudRate:115200
- DataBits :8
- StopBits :1
- Parity :None
- FlowControl:None or XON/XOFF