WISE-3610 LoRa Gateway
Revision as of 06:59, 14 July 2017 by Eric.liang (talk | contribs)
- 1 ADF Demo
- 1.1 How to build mbed client sample and copy to target board
- 1.2 Ubuntu 16.04 x64 Docker Image ( for building LoRa SDK )
- 1.3 Add static route and DNS server on LoRa Gateway
- 1.4 mbed-client sample with mosquitto library
- 1.5 How to modify mbed-client source code and build
- 1.6 Enable all log with mbed-client example
- 1.7 Change TCP / UDP Transport Protocol
- 1.8 Setup the build environment mbed-client with Ubuntu 16.04 Dokcer container
- 1.9 How to build mbed-client on x86 Ubuntu 16.04
- 1.10 For ARM Debug mbed-client Note
- 2 Sensor
- 3 AdvanWISE
- 4 Future Work
ADF Demo
How to build mbed client sample and copy to target board
sudo docker exec -it lora bash cd /home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137 export ARMGCC_DIR=`pwd`/qsdk/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_cortex-a7_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- cd qsdk/ make package/mbed/clean package/mbed/prepare package/mbed/compile V=s -j 8 scp eric@ .
Ubuntu 16.04 x64 Docker Image ( for building LoRa SDK )
Copy OpenWRT BSP SDK ( WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137.tar.gz ) in your Linux host tar xvzf WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137.tar.gz cd ./WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/ sudo docker run -it --name lora_sdk -v $PWD:/home/adv/work/ advwiseec/lorasdk_openwrt cd /home/adv/work export ARMGCC_DIR=`pwd`/qsdk/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_cortex-a7_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- make -j 8
Add static route and DNS server on LoRa Gateway
route del default route add -net gw netmask dev br-lan route add -net gw netmask dev br-lan echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
mbed-client sample with mosquitto library
Add link library of LoRaSDK\WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137\qsdk\package\network\utils\mbed\mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master\mbed-cloud-client-example-ref\CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries (${TEST_LIB}.elf ${SRC_LIBS}) target_link_libraries (${TEST_LIB}.elf mosquitto)
Add depends of V:\Work\LoRa\Docker\build_env\LoRaSDK\WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137\qsdk\package\network\utils\mbed\Makefile
DEPENDS += +libpthread +libstdcpp +librt +libmosquitto
How to modify mbed-client source code and build
unzip mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master.zip modify \LoRaSDK\WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137\qsdk\package\network\utils\mbed\mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master\mbed-cloud-client-example-ref\mbed-cloud-client-example\main.cpp zip mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master.zip ./mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master cd qsdk/ make package/mbed/clean package/mbed/prepare package/mbed/compile V=s -j 8
Enable all log with mbed-client example
add_definitions(-DMBED_CONF_MBED_TRACE_ENABLE=1) in define.txt
Change TCP / UDP Transport Protocol
Setup the build environment mbed-client with Ubuntu 16.04 Dokcer container
docker run -it --name x86_mbed-client -v $PWD:/home/adv/work:rw advwiseec/lorasdk_openwrt bash sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev tar xvf mbed-cloud-client-1.1-with-lora-ga-mqtt.tar . cd mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master/mbed-cloud-client-example-ref/mbed-cloud-client-example/ sudo cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DEXTARNAL_DEFINE_FILE=define.txt make -j 8
How to build mbed-client on x86 Ubuntu 16.04
depend on: cmake 3.5.1 python 2.7.12 unzip mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master.zip Modify define.txt & autogen.cmake to meet your environment Replace files which are in Patch folder define.txt to mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example/mbed-cloud-client-example-ref/ autogen.cmake to mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example/mbed-cloud-client-example-ref/pal-platform => x86 do not replace identity_dev_security.c to mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example/mbed-cloud-client-example-ref/mbed-cloud-client-example Generate makefiles cd mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example/mbed-cloud-client-example-ref/) cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DEXTARNAL_DEFINE_FILE=define.txt Build make Execute 'mbedCloudClientExample.elf' application in ./Debug or ./Release
For ARM Debug mbed-client Note
Set up the Build mbed-client environment for WISE-3610 LoRa GW
Copy OpenWRT BSP SDK ( WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137.tar.gz ) in your Linux host tar xvzf WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137.tar.gz cd ./WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/ docker run -it --name WISE-3610-SDK -v $PWD:/home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137 advwiseec/lorasdk_openwrt bash cd /home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/ export ARMGCC_DIR=`pwd`/qsdk/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_cortex-a7_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- cd /home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/qsdk/ make package/mbed/clean package/mbed/prepare package/mbed/compile V=s -j 8
How to copy mbed-client program and run on WISE-3610
# Login by SSH: Account: root Password: advantech # Copy scp eric@xxx.xxx.xxx:/Your Project Folder/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/qsdk/build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a7_uClibc- . # launch ./mbedCloudClientExample.elf
How to modify mbed-client source code
# Source code at /home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/qsdk/package/network/utils/mbed/mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master # To modify your code and build cd /home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/qsdk/package/network/utils/mbed zip -r mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master.zip ./mbed-cloud-client-1.1-Linux-example-master/* cd /home/adv/work/build_env/LoRaSDK/WISE-3610_SDK_20170405_0f7f137/qsdk/ make package/mbed/clean package/mbed/prepare package/mbed/compile V=s -j 8
Build Server:
Account:Password: will / 1234
sudo docker exec -it lora_toolchain_for_will bash cd /home/adv/work/wise_snail_agent_0314ToECG/ make copy wise_snail_agent to WISE-3610 Target and exec it
How to setup a LoRa toolchain environment
copy to your working folder \\eossfs\share\@Eric\LoRa\toolchain-arm_cortex-a7_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- \\eossfs\share\@Eric\LoRa\wise_snail_agent_eric20170508.tar
- Build SOP: Origin OpenWRT BSP ( version ? ) + AdvanWise's patches => AdvanWISE releases BSP for WISE-3610
Future Work
A sample code to get LoRa data from mqtt-bus.