How to flash the Debian image into RSB-4680
0. Need to use Micro USB to connect with RSB-4680 OTG port, and other Type-A USB to connect with your PC .
1. For Android tool , need to modify the config file , to select English setting . I have added the file in the attached file , please replace the .ini file into Android tool folder .
please modified "Selected = 2 " (F--Phill.liu (talk) 04:03, 10 June 2021 (CEST)or English)
2. Install DriverAssitant
3. Change CN19 ,
Default : pin2 & pin3 connect with a Jumper ,please change pin 1 & pin 2 to connect with Jumper and connect with Micro USB with RSB-4680 OTG port , then turn on the power .
4. Execute AndroidTool in the AndroidTool_Release folder
5. Found a “MaskROM” Device
Note: It means "Found a MASKROM Device "
6. Before we have changed pin 1 & pin 2 to connect with Jumper, Now we need to change back to pin2 & pin3 to connect with Jumper . (Did not need to turn off the power ) .
7. Execute “執行(execute)“ , it will start to flash Debian image into eMMC flash
Note : It means "Execute"
--Phill.liu (talk) 04:03, 10 June 2021 (CEST)
Note: It means "Download" now . the tool is downloading into Device.
8. When “下載完成(Download finish )” , please unplug the Micro USB with RSB-4680 , then turn off and turn on the power again .
Note: It means " Done" , the tool already finished.
9. Please remove the Micro USB and the poewer , then reboot the device , you will see the Debian Desktop.