1. Using AndroidToool.
Download AndroidTool_v2.65.rar and DriverAssitant_v4.5.rar
RK3399 Android 7.1:
RK3399 Android 10.0
RK3399 Debian 9.x :
RK3399 Debian 10.x :
RK3568 Debian 10.x / RK3588 Debian 11.x:
Already included in released images.
Step1 請先準備一條 mirco USB 線材 和 Debug Cable
mirco USB
Debug Cable
Step2 Double click DriverInstall.
Step3 Enter into MASKROM mode .
There are two ways to enter MASKROM .
1. Hardware way to enter MASKROM
2. Software way to enter MASKROM
When the device boot up to android or debian, you can use ADB or Debug console, send command "reboot loader" .
Or Press "ctrl + c" key when booting into uboot, until get the following information on debug console :
Android 7.1:
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 rkboot # <INTERRUPT> rkboot # loader
Debian 9.x:
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 rkboot # <INTERRUPT> rkboot # rbrom
Click "Advantech Function" , then "Enter MASHROM" button to enter MASHROM mode .
Step4 Select the image path.
Step5 Finish the update