EPC-R5710 Extend AI Card

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Extend AI Card

Provide external AI module , hailo8.
Insert the AI module,HDMI display and USB camera, before boot, and run the script of the following path to view the AI test effect on the screen.

Hardware part


1. Plug the HAILO module into the M.2 connector of the EPC-R5710.

2. Plug the USB camera into the USB port

Software part

Enter the following command to view the USB camera node.

# v4l2-ctl --list-device

The execution results and commands are shown in the following figure. If the result is shown in Figure 1, enter command 1. If the result is shown in Figure 2, please enter command 2.


# sed -i 's/\/dev\/video[0-3]*/\/dev\/video0/g' /home/root/apps/detection/detection.sh

Figure 1:

EPC-5710 AI Card camera.png

command2 :

# sed -i 's/\/dev\/video[0-3]*/\/dev\/video2/g' /home/root/apps/detection/detection.sh