Linux BSP User Guide for rk3588 series Debian11
Linux BSP Version
Debian 11.x
Kernel 5.10.110
Build Environment on Host
Currently, we adopt Docker as build environment.
You can get the latest version of advrisc/u20.04-rklbv1 Docker image for developing Rockchip RK3588 projects.
Docker command:
docker pull advrisc/u20.04-rklbv1
Run Docker example
Step1 Run docker container (example)
sudo docker run -it --name rk3588_linux_risc -v /home/bsp/myLinux:/home/adv/BSP:rw --privileged advrisc/u20.04-rklbv1:latest /bin/bash
Step2 In container, change the user. (example)
adv@7cc0fa834366:~$ sudo chown adv:adv -R BSP
Getting Linux Source Code
Debian 11.x
Please contact PM to get BSP.
Build Choose Project
Build Choose Project ROM-6881
$ export TOP=`pwd` $ cd $TOP $ ./ $
Build U-boot
$ cd $TOP $ ./ uboot
Build Kernel
$ cd $TOP $ ./ kernel
Build Recovery
$ cd $TOP $ rm buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3588_recovery -rf $ ./ recovery
Build Debian 11.x
$ cd $TOP $ sudo dpkg -i debian/ubuntu-build-service/packages/* $ sudo apt-get install -f -y $ ./ debian
Push all image to rockdev folder
SDK V106:
$ cd $TOP $ source device/rockchip/ $ ./
SDK V130 and after:
$ cd $TOP $ ./ firmware
The common image files are listed below:
# boot.img # misc.img # oem.img # recovery.img # rootfs.img # uboot.img # userdata.img # MiniLoaderAll.bin # parameter.txt #
Make update.img
$ cd $TOP $ ./ updateimg
You can get update.img in rockdev/
How to update images?
There are three ways to update images:
There is no limitation by this way.
2._Using_storage(such sd_or_USB_disk)with_update.zip_in_it.
There are some limitations:
(1)The device must be able to boot up to Debian.
(2)Only update images from the same os, eg :
Debian upgrade to Debian.
(3)Using update.img to upgrade.
3._Using_bootup_sd_disk made_by SDDiskTool.
(1)Only update images from the same os, eg :
Debian upgrade to Debian.
(2)Using update.img to upgrade.