Create and configure the DNS server

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You can reference the following link to create and configure the DNS server.

Mastering Windows server 2012 of DNS (author: nick_zp)

Tool / Source

Windows Server 2012 R2


Install DNS server

1. Configure the static IP Address, WorkGroup or Domain Environment


2. Open service manager, and select "Add roles and features"

3. Choose "DNS Server" and add the features for DNS server.

4. Installing

Configure the OTA Server to DNS

You can add the IP address of OTA server to Forword Lookup Zones

1. Create Forword Lookup Zones

2 Create Reverse Lookup Zones

3. Configure the Client IP

4. Try to access the domain name.

Access the OTA system

1. Configure the OTA Client to connect to server

2 Access the OTA Server from Browser