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=== '''ROM-5720 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout ''' ===
=== '''ROM-5720 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout ''' ===
=== '''ROM-DB5901 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout''' ===
=== '''ROM-DB5901 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout''' ===
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[[File:ROM-DB5901 IO2.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]
[[File:ROM-DB5901 IO2.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]
=== '''Rear I/O ''' ===
=== '''Rear I/O''' ===
===   ===
=== '''接口引脚定義 (Pin definitions)''' ===
=== '''接口引脚定義 (Pin definitions)''' ===

Revision as of 09:54, 12 October 2021


  • NXP i.MX 8M processor with dual or quad Arm Cortex A53 cores
  • 1 x Arm Cortex-M4 core
  • Onboard 2GB LPDDR4 memory and eMMC 16GB
  • 1 x HDMI2.0 up to 4096 x 2160, 1 x 4-Lane MIPI DSI
  • 2 x USB3.0, 4 x USB2.0, 4 x UART, 4 x I2C, 12 x GPIO, 1 x PCIe2.0, 1 x 4-lane MIPI CSI camera input, 1 x 2-lane MIPI CSI camera input and 2 x Gigabit LAN
  • Supports OpenGL ES 3.1/3.0/2.0/1.1, Open CL 1.2, and Vulkan hardware accelerators
  • Supports 4Kp60 HEVC/H.265 decoding with HDR
  • Cable pack & panel included
  • Evaluative image & test utility built-in

訂購資訊(Ordering Information)

[[File:Ordering information.PNG|RTENOTITLE]]

接口布局和尺寸(Layout and Sizes)

ROM-5720 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout 

ROM-DB5901 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout

主板内置插针式引脚排序方式 (Pin Header defination) 

Internal I/O

[[File:ROM-DB5901 IO2.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]

Rear I/O

接口引脚定義 (Pin definitions)

机械尺寸  (Mechanical Characteristics)


快速入门 (Quick Start)

系统下载 (OS Download)

  • 'Linux系统 (Linux OS)'   

Linux 燒錄方法 (Linux Flash eMMC Method)

使用Flash tool 燒錄鏡像到eMMC (Flash image into eMMC by Flash Tools) 

Step0: 檢查SD卡在Linux 環境的代號 (check SD card symbol in Linux system) 

[[File:ROM-5620fdisk 2021-09-11 145401.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]

[[File:ROM-5620fdisk SDinfo2021-09-11 145609.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]

Step1: 創造一張可開機的SD 卡 (Create a bootable SD card)

[[File:ROM-5620dd 2021-09-11 150036.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]

Step2: 將可開機的SD 卡插入底板SD卡卡槽(Plug the SD card into Carrier board 's SD card slot)


Step4: 確認開機選擇指撥開關 

           SD 卡開機模式:


Step3:打開電源 和 終端機 (Turn on the Power & Terminal)


Step4: 解壓縮flash tools 檔案,並複製到U盤中(Unzip the flash tools file , then copy to USB Disk) 

    解壓縮(Unzip the file ) 


 複製檔案到U盤中 (Copy the flash file to USB Disk) 

  1. 插入U盤到你的Ubuntu 電腦上 (Plug the USB Disk into you Linux PC

  2. 檢視U盤在Ubuntu 系統代號 (Check the USB Disk's symbol in Ubuntu System) 

       [[File:USBDISK info2021-09-11 170716.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]

 3. 掛載U盤在Ubuntu 系統中 




Debug 串口調試 (Debug port Setting)

以 Tera Term  为例介绍如何使用串口调试功能
<pre>   Baud Rate波特率:115200
   Data 数据位:8
   Parity 奇偶校验:无
   Stop 停止位:1
   Flow Control流控:无

Tera Term Tool 

Check the Sriel port in Device Manager (查看PC端的串口号):

if you can not identify the Serial device , please check your serial driver. 

Debug port connection (串口連接) 

Log into Terminal  Tool (进入串口调试终端):

Linux系统的基本使用(Linux System Basic Operating Method)

      UUU 使用方法(USB Connection (OTG port))

      Display Setting (ROM-5720)

      U-boot Command :          

setenv fdt_file imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dcss-adv7535.dtb
env save

Yocto 2.5


  • Display
    • DSI to HDMI
      • adv-imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dcss-adv7535-b3.dtb
      • adv-imx8mq-rom5720-a1-lcdif-adv7535.dtb
    • DSI
      • auog101uan02
        • adv-imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dcss-auog101uan02.dtb
    • Dual Display
      • DSI to HDMI + HDMI
        • adv-imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dual-display.dtb
  • M.2 SDIO
    • Adjust CN43~CN48
    • adv-imx8mq-rom5720-a1-m2-sdio.dtb
  • M.2 I2S
    • adv-imx8mq-rom5720-a1-m2-i2s.dtb


Yocto 3.0

  • Display
    • DSI to HDMI
      • imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dcss-adv7535.dtb
      • imx8mq-rom5720-a1-lcdif-adv7535.dtb
      • For weston ui
        • modify /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini
          • drm-device=card2
    • DSI
      • auog101uan02
        • imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dcss-auog101uan02.dtb
    • Dual Display
      • DSI to HDMI + HDMI
        • imx8mq-rom5720-a1-dual-display.dtb
        • For weston ui
          • modify /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini
            • drm-device=card1
  • M.2 SDIO
    • Adjust CN43~CN48
    • imx8mq-rom5720-a1-m2-sdio.dtb

乙太網路使用方法(Ethernent Testing Method)

Command : ifconfig 

Command: Ping - I eth1  or Ping - I eth0  

=== WiFi使用方法(WIFI Testing Method) ===
Command : 

  1. killall wpa_supplicant
    # ifconfig wlan0 up
    # wpa_passphrase "SSID" "PASSWORD" > /tmp/wpa.conf
    # wpa_supplicant -BDwext -iwlan0 -c/tmp/wpa.conf
    # udhcpc -b -i wlan0

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms</pre>

=== 4G使用方法(4G Testing Method) ===
Test 4G: (EWM-C117FL06E - USB)
      Step 1: Connect EWM-C117FL06E to Mini PCIE slot on 9680015491 and connect
                   the card to CN6 PCIe_D slot on ROM-DB5901.
      Step 2: Connect the antenna 1750007990-01 to the SMA (F) connector on
                   9680015491 and connect the IPEX connector to MT1 on EWM-C117FL06E module.
      Step 3: Connect the Mini USB cable from 9680015491 to USB 2.0 Type A port on
      Step 4: Power on and execute the pppd command to connect to the network.

GPIO使用方法(GPIO Operating Method)

Loop-back Test (Take GPIO4 and GPIO5 as examples)

Step 1: Connect GPIO4 and GPIO5
Step 2: Export GPIO interface

root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo 456 > /sys/class/gpio/export
root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo 452 > /sys/class/gpio/export

Step 3: Set direction

root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio1/direction
root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio2/direction

Step 4: Read value and set output value then check

root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio2/value
root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio1/value
root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio2/value

串口使用方法(Serial Port Operating Method)

RS-232 Test 

SW7 Setting (SW7設置) 

=== 蓝牙使用方法(BlueTooth Operating Method) ===
Command : 

$ hciconfig hci0 up
$ bluetoothctl
$ discoverable on
$ pairable on
$ scan on
[NEW] FC:18:3C:8D:75:F4 myphone
$ scan off
$ pair FC:18:3C:8D:75:F4
$ connect FC:18:3C:8D:75:F4</pre>

  遠程訪問及文件傳輸(Remote Access and File Transimmion)

              查看主板IP位址 ( Chech IP Address ):
Command : ifconfig


SSH Remote Log into Device 

  • SSH远程登录,以putty选择putty.exe(或者使用Xshell、SecureCRT等类似软件)

通用方法(General Method)

===       查看CPU温度(Check CPU Temperature) ===
     root@imx8qxprom5620a1:/# cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp 44600

    # 或者直接以度爲單位顯示 echo $[$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)/1000]° >>> 45°</pre>

===       查看CPU频率(Check CPU Frequency) ===
          cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq 
           >> 900000
           cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq    
           >> 1200000

===       查看内存容量(Check Memory Capacity) ===
root@imx8qxprom5620a1:/# busybox free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1794920     516080    1278840      17252      9852        80292
-/+ buffers/cache:     425936    1368984
Swap:            0          0          0

===       查看存储容量(Check Storage Capacity) ===
root@imx8qxprom5620a1:/# busybox df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                13.4G      1.7G     11.1G  13% /
devtmpfs                395.8M      4.0K    395.8M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   876.4M         0    876.4M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                   876.4M     16.5M    859.9M   2% /run
tmpfs                   876.4M         0    876.4M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                   876.4M      4.0K    876.4M   0% /tmp
tmpfs                   876.4M    280.0K    876.2M   0% /var/volatile
/dev/mmcblk0p2           13.6G      1.7G     11.3G  13% /run/media/mmcblk0p2
/dev/mmcblk0p1           63.9M     23.4M     40.5M  37% /run/media/mmcblk0p1
/dev/mmcblk1p1           63.9M     23.4M     40.5M  37% /run/media/mmcblk1p1
tmpfs                   175.3M     88.0K    175.2M   0% /run/user/0

===       網路Ping測試(Ping Network Testing) ===
     PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms
     64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms</pre>

===       設置RTC (RTC Setting)  ===
     root@imx8qxprom5620a1:/# systemctl stop ntpdate.service
     root@imx8qxprom5620a1:/# date 090816072021 && hwclock -w && date
             Wed Sep  8 16:07:00 UTC 2021
             Wed Sep  8 16:07:00 UTC 2021
     root@imx8qxprom5620a1:/# date
             Wed Sep  8 16:07:06 UTC 2021


Linux BSP編譯方法(Android BSP Compile Method)

Yocto 3.0