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(Get Credential URL and IoT Key)
(How To)
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== Register to DeviceOn Trial Portal ==
== Register to DeviceOn Trial Portal ==
DeviceOn Trial Portal:
DeviceOn Trial Portal: https://deviceon-trial.wise-paas.com/
Step1. Register a new account from DeviceOn Trial Protal.
Step2. Verify account from DeviceOn Account Registration e-mail.
== Get Credential URL and IoT Key ==
Step1. Login
== Setup WISE-Agent ==
Click on Add Device icon
Copy and keep Credential URL and IoT Key for WISE Agent
Step1. Login DeviceOn Trial Portal.
Step2. Click on Add device icon.
      - Copy Credential URL and paste it to the WISE Agent
      - Copy IoT Key and paste it to the WISE Agent
== Setup WISE-Agent ==

Revision as of 12:36, 30 May 2023



A surge in market demand for Industrial IoT products has rapidly increased the number of connected devices that are currently deployed and managed across different locations. It is essential to effectively manage, monitor, and control thousands of connected devices while ensuring uninterrupted service. Devices must work properly and securely after they have been deployed - without requiring frequent visits from service technicians. Customers require secure access to their devices in order to detect, troubleshoot, and undertake time-critical actions.

More information please refer to DeviceOn


How To

Register to DeviceOn Trial Portal

DeviceOn Trial Portal: https://deviceon-trial.wise-paas.com/

Step1. Register a new account from DeviceOn Trial Protal.

Step2. Verify account from DeviceOn Account Registration e-mail.


Setup WISE-Agent

Step1. Login DeviceOn Trial Portal.

Step2. Click on Add device icon.

      - Copy Credential URL and paste it to the WISE Agent
      - Copy IoT Key and paste it to the WISE Agent


For EPC-R3720, execute below command to install prerequisites before install WISE-Agent.

apt-get -y install libmosquittopp1 libmosquitto-dev


Then, follow Edge Installation & Onboarding documentation to install WISE-Agent and setup WISE-Agent for connecting to DeviceOn.

Remote Management

Device Management

After your device onboarding, you could view, edit device basic information, remote control, and retrieve sensor data on your devices. Nine sub items under Device, Device List contain device name, upgrade status, power management and etc. Device Monitoring to give device loading at present. To remote diagnostic and debug through Remote Control. Next, all of plugin sensor data from Device Data. To grouping your device through the Device Group. For batch real-time or schedule control through Task defined. Rule Engine to set a threshold rule for your devices data in real-time.

From "Device List" table, click on device name or device details to get device information.


You could get the device detail information such as, device IP, version, MAC, Memory, BIOS, operation system in this page.





Container Management

DeviceOn support Container Management function for you to deploy, monitor, and manage each container on different devices. You can manage and monitor the health of containers within minutes. Container Management function also provide a variety of container restart strategies for you to set the restart policy. Through the dashboard, you can quickly understand the running status of the container in the managed device. In addition, for container developers.

Azure Container Repository allows you to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry for all types of container deployments. Use Azure container registries with your existing container development and deployment pipelines. Azure Container Registry is supported as a public cloud solution in the DeviceOn and support Harbor  as a private cloud container repository. For more detailed information and operation steps, please refer to DeviceOn Manual - Container Management Section .


Configure Container Registry 

Helloworld ROS2 node is a sample ROS2 container and is already pre-upload to the DeviceOn Container Registry. You can find it in the Registry Detail page of "Demo Registry".



Click on the registry name "Demo Registry", you can see how many containers in the container registry are available for you to deploy.

ROS2 Suite RegistryDetail.png


Deploy a ROS2 Node Container

Below steps will introduce you to deploy a ROS2 container to your edge device. 

Step1. From left side bar, open "My Devices" page from "Container" function and then:

  • Choose your device group.
  • Choose your device from your device group.
  • Click on Containers icon to see container list in this device.

ROS2 ContainerManage 2.png


Step2. Click "Add" icon to go into add container page.

ROS2 ContainerManage 3.png


Step3. In the "Add Container" page, select parameters like below:

  • Mode: Device Mode
  • Container Name: <Give a container name by yourdelf>.
  • Auto Start: On
  • Source Image: Registries
  • Registry: Demo Registry
  • Image: helloworld-ros2-node-<platform-architecture>

      Note, if your device is a Intel x86_64 architecture , please choose "helloworld-ros2-node-x86_64". If your device is a ARM architecture, please choose "helloworld-ros2-node-aarch64". 

      Now, you can click "Confirm" to start deploy helloworld-ros2-node to your device.




After several seconds, you can see the container is deployed into your device and status of helloworld-ros2-node is running.

ROS2 ContainerManage 6.png


Step5. Now, helloworld-ros2-node is running and publishing "Hello World: <count>" message continuously, To subscribe the data that helloworld-ros2-node published, open a terminal from your device and execute below command:




1. Setup ROS2 environmant variables:

$ source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash


2. Subscribe the topic of helloworld node:

$ ros2 topic echo /topic


data: 'Hello World: 2663'
data: 'Hello World: 2664'
data: 'Hello World: 2665'
data: 'Hello World: 2666'
data: 'Hello World: 2667'
data: 'Hello World: 2668'
data: 'Hello World: 2669'


