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(Created page with " = USB2UART Bridge = There are plenty types of usb to uart bridge in the market . Most of them use the following chip : *[https://www.silabs.com/products/development-to...")
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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*[https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/ch340.html CH340]  
*[https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/ch340.html CH340]  
= Hardware PIN define <!--5f39ae17-8c62-4a45-bc43-b32064c9388a:W3siYmxvY2tJZCI6IjcwMjQtMTU1MzQ5MTgyOTM0NyIsImJsb2NrVHlwZSI6InBhcmFncmFwaCIsInN0eWxlcyI6eyJhbGlnbiI6ImxlZnQiLCJpbmRlbnQiOjAsInRleHQtaW5kZW50IjowLCJsaW5lLWhlaWdodCI6MS43NSwiYmFjay1jb2xvciI6IiIsInBhZGRpbmciOiIifSwidHlwZSI6InBhcmFncmFwaCIsInJpY2hUZXh0Ijp7ImRhdGEiOlt7ImNoYXIiOiJVIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiUyJ9LHsiY2hhciI6IkIifSx7ImNoYXIiOiIgIn0seyJjaGFyIjoidCJ9LHsiY2hhciI6Im8ifSx7ImNoYXIiOiIgIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiVSJ9LHsiY2hhciI6IkEifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJSIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiVCJ9LHsiY2hhciI6IiAifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJhIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiZCJ9LHsiY2hhciI6ImEifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJwIn0seyJjaGFyIjoidCJ9LHsiY2hhciI6ImUifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJyIn1dLCJpc1JpY2hUZXh0Ijp0cnVlLCJrZWVwTGluZUJyZWFrIjp0cnVlfX0seyJibG9ja0lkIjoiNTAxMy0xNTUzNDkyMDU3MTkxIiwiYmxvY2tUeXBlIjoicGFyYWdyYXBoIiwic3R5bGVzIjp7ImFsaWduIjoibGVmdCIsImluZGVudCI6MCwidGV4dC1pbmRlbnQiOjAsImxpbmUtaGVpZ2h0IjoxLjc1LCJiYWNrLWNvbG9yIjoiIiwicGFkZGluZyI6IiJ9LCJ0eXBlIjoicGFyYWdyYXBoIiwicmljaFRleHQiOnsiZGF0YSI6W3siY2hhciI6IkgifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJhIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiciJ9LHsiY2hhciI6ImQifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJ3In0seyJjaGFyIjoiYSJ9LHsiY2hhciI6InIifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJlIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiICJ9LHsiY2hhciI6IlAifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJJIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiTiJ9LHsiY2hhciI6IiAifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJkIn0seyJjaGFyIjoiZSJ9LHsiY2hhciI6ImYifSx7ImNoYXIiOiJpIn0seyJjaGFyIjoibiJ9LHsiY2hhciI6ImUifV0sImlzUmljaFRleHQiOnRydWUsImtlZXBMaW5lQnJlYWsiOnRydWV9fV0=--> =
1. Connect debug port cable (1701200220) to COM2_4 on SOM-DB2510.
= Hardware PIN define <!--5f39ae17-8c62-4a45-bc43-b32064c9388a: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--> =
2.&nbsp;Connect it to your PC with USB to UART Cable.
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;"
| '''Item'''
| '''P/N'''
| '''Picture'''
| Debug Port Cable
| 1701200220
| [[File:ROM-6881 debug port cable.png|RTENOTITLE]]
= UART parameter =
[[File:ROM-6881 debug port .png|RTENOTITLE]]
= Debug Port Settings =
*DataBits&nbsp; :8
*StopBits&nbsp; :1
*Parity&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; :None
*FlowControl:None or XON/XOFF
ROM-6881 can communicate with a host server using serial cables. Common serial<br/> communication programs such as HyperTerminal, Tera Term, or PuTTY can be used<br/> in this case. The example below describes the serial terminal setup using HyperTerminal<br/> on a Windows host:<br/> 1. Connect ROM-6881 with your PC using a serial cable.<br/> 2. Open HyperTerminal on your Windows PC, and select the settings demonstrated<br/> in the photo below.<br/> 3. Insert power adapter to DC jack and power up the board. The Debug console<br/> log will be displayed on the terminal screen.
= Debug on windows =
= Debug on windows =
Line 41: Line 46:
Then Click "Open" to start debug console.
Then Click "Open" to start debug console.
= Debug on Ubuntu =
= Debug on Ubuntu =
Line 53: Line 56:
= Kermit =
== Kermit ==
'''Install Kermit&nbsp;:&nbsp;'''
'''Install Kermit&nbsp;:&nbsp;'''
Line 80: Line 79:
set send pack 1000
set send pack 1000
set window 5
set window 5
Line 90: Line 88:
<pre>sudo kermit
<pre>sudo kermit
= MiniCom =
= MiniCom =
Line 99: Line 95:
sudo apt-get install minicom
sudo apt-get install minicom
'''Run MiniCom'''
'''Run MiniCom'''

Latest revision as of 06:31, 3 January 2024


There are plenty types of usb to uart bridge in the market . Most of them use the following chip :

Hardware PIN define

1. Connect debug port cable (1701200220) to COM2_4 on SOM-DB2510.

2. Connect it to your PC with USB to UART Cable.

Item P/N Picture
Debug Port Cable 1701200220 RTENOTITLE


Debug Port Settings

ROM-6881 can communicate with a host server using serial cables. Common serial
communication programs such as HyperTerminal, Tera Term, or PuTTY can be used
in this case. The example below describes the serial terminal setup using HyperTerminal
on a Windows host:
1. Connect ROM-6881 with your PC using a serial cable.
2. Open HyperTerminal on your Windows PC, and select the settings demonstrated
in the photo below.
3. Insert power adapter to DC jack and power up the board. The Debug console
log will be displayed on the terminal screen.

Debug on windows

Install usb2uart adapter's driver. Connect adapter to PC , you will find COM port like :

RK3288 Debian Debug Port Number.png

Putty is very populate tool on Windows. Download putty here.

Run PUTTY.exe, select Connection type of "Serial" , input COM port found in Device Manager.

Set Parameter like :


Then Click "Open" to start debug console.

Debug on Ubuntu

"Kermit" and "MiniCom" are very famous tools on Ubuntu.

 Connect adapter to PC , find COM port :

$ ls /dev/ttyUSB*


Install Kermit : 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ckermit

Config Kermit : 

vi $HOME/.kermrc;

Input the following content : 

set line /dev/ttyUSB0
set speed 115200
set carrier-watch off
set handshake none
set flow-control none
set file type bin
set file name lit
set rec  pack 1000
set send pack 1000
set window 5

Note : 

Change "/dev/ttyUSB0" according your system, Use Command "ls /dev/ttyUSB*" .

Run kermit

sudo kermit


Install MiniCom: 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install minicom

Run MiniCom

$ sudo minicom
Welcome to minicom 2.7                                       
OPTIONS: I18n       
Compiled on Jan  1 2014, 17:13:19.     
Port /dev/ttyUSB0, 15:57:00                                 
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

According the tips, press CTRL-A, then press Z to show help.

                          Minicom Command Summary                      |
  |                                                                    |
  |              Commands can be called by CTRL-A <key>                |
  |                                                                    |
  |               Main Functions                  Other Functions      |
  |                                                                    |
  | Dialing directory..D  run script (Go)....G | Clear Screen.......C  |
  | Send files.........S  Receive files......R | cOnfigure Minicom..O  |
  | comm Parameters....P  Add linefeed.......A | Suspend minicom....J  |
  | Capture on/off.....L  Hangup.............H | eXit and reset.....X  |
  | send break.........F  initialize Modem...M | Quit with no reset.Q  |
  | Terminal settings..T  run Kermit.........K | Cursor key mode....I  |
  | lineWrap on/off....W  local Echo on/off..E | Help screen........Z  |
  | Paste file.........Y  Timestamp toggle...N | scroll Back........B  |
  | Add Carriage Ret...U                                               |
  |                                                                    |
  |             Select function or press Enter for none.               |

According the tips, press O to show configuration.

           | Filenames and paths      |   
           | File transfer protocols  |   
           | Serial port setup        |  
           | Modem and dialing        |  
           | Screen and keyboard      | 
           | Save setup as dfl        | 
           | Save setup as..          |                 
           | Exit                     |                 

Press "↓", move cursor to "Serial port setup" to Config parameter.

Then press "A"-"G" to set relative content as following :

   | A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyUSB0                              |                                          
   | B - Lockfile Location     : /var/lock                                 |                                          
   | C -   Callin Program      :                                           |                                          
   | D -  Callout Program      :                                           |                                          
   | E -    Bps/Par/Bits       : 115200 8N1                                |                                          
   | F - Hardware Flow Control : No                                        |                                          
   | G - Software Flow Control : No                                        |                                          
   |                                                                       |                                          
   |    Change which setting?                                              |                                          

When configuration is done, back to choose "Save setup as dfl" to save as default configuration.