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Line 5: Line 5:
===Japanese character displaying problem===
===Japanese character displaying problem===
===Change network adapter name===
*delete the registry key which you want to use first
*put the batch in startup
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection 3" newname="Local Area Connection 2"
===Silent install driver===
*if the installer support silent install, add "/s" option
===Setting disk letter. Example: exchange D and E disk letter===
*C:\WINDOWS\system32\diskpart /s xxx.txt
*in xxx.txt
select volume=D<br/>
assign letter= X<br/>
elect volume=E<br/>
assign letter= D<br/>
select volume=X<br/>
assign letter= E
===[WES2009] Disable balloon tip and hardware detect pop===
*[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour]
===[WES2009] Disable Share Document folder===
*In the Policy Editor navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components and click on Windows Explorer
*Enable “Remove Shared Documents form My Computer”
===[WES2009] Stop the computer recording "My Recent Documents"===
*Right click task bar and click Properties
*Click Start Menu/Customize /Advanced
*uncheck "List my most..."
===[WES2009] Disable windows Welcome and ShutDown screens===
*[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] "DisableStatusMessages" = 1
===[WES2009] hide or delete the Windows Desktop Recycle Bin icon]===
===[WES2009] hide or delete the Windows Desktop Recycle Bin icon]===
Line 33: Line 78:
*Write a batch file to import this reg file
*Write a batch file to import this reg file
*Place it to startup path before sysprep
*Place it to startup path before sysprep
===[WES7] Setting default language using answer file===
*Example: change to Japeness UI, but keyboard using English
*InputLocale = en-US (keyboard layout.)
*SystemLocale = ja-JP (the default language to use for non-Unicode programs)
*UILanguage = en-US (the default system language to display user interface)
*UserLocale = ja-JP (formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers in a Windows installation)
===[WES7] Disk Cleanup Wizard addon lets users delete outdated Windows updates on WES7 SP1===
*Install KB2852368
*This update adds a new plugin to the Disk Cleanup wizard. After you install this update, you can use the Windows Update Cleanup option to delete Windows updates that you no longer need.
===[WES7]Graphics driver can't load resource of language===
*2 36.15.0 1091-PV(x32) and are the reason of this issue .
*Don't use those version graphics driver.
===[WES7] Unknown device shows yellow bang with HW ID ACPI\INT3396 in device manager===
===[WES7] Unknown device shows yellow bang with HW ID ACPI\INT3396 in device manager===
*In BIOS, Change the setting of [Chipset]->[South Bridge]->[USB Configuration] to OS Selection = windows7
*In BIOS, Change the setting of [Chipset]->[South Bridge]->[USB Configuration] to OS Selection = windows7
===[WE8S] Bad font in ME tabs===
*Install KB2803676 to fix this issue.
===[WE8S] How to automatically go to Windows 8 desktop (skip Start/Metro screen) on Windows boot===
===[WES7] E-SKU use DISM add language===
===[WES7] E-SKU use DISM add language===
Line 84: Line 137:
net stop uxsms<br/>
net stop uxsms<br/>
sc config uxsms start=disabled   
sc config uxsms start=disabled   
===[WES7]MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it===
===[WE8S] Bad font in ME tabs===
*Install KB2803676 to fix this issue.
===[WE8S] How to automatically go to Windows 8 desktop (skip Start/Metro screen) on Windows boot===
*disable  “Show windows contents while dragging “. (you need reboot after setting)
*disable  “Show windows contents while dragging “. (you need reboot after setting)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
===Change network adapter name===
===[WE8S] S3 resume time and shutdown time too long.  ===
*delete the registry key which you want to use first
*put the batch in startup
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection 3" newname="Local Area Connection 2"
===Silent install driver===
*if the installer support silent install, add "/s" option
===[WES2009] Disable balloon tip and hardware detect pop===
*[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour]
===Setting disk letter. Example: exchange D and E disk letter===
*C:\WINDOWS\system32\diskpart /s xxx.txt
*in xxx.txt
select volume=D<br/>
assign letter= X<br/>
elect volume=E<br/>
assign letter= D<br/>
select volume=X<br/>
assign letter= E
===[WES2009] Disable Share Document folder===
*In the Policy Editor navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components and click on Windows Explorer
*Enable “Remove Shared Documents form My Computer”
[WES2009] Stop the computer recording "My Recent Documents."
*Right click task bar and click Properties
*Click Start Menu/Customize /Advanced
*uncheck "List my most..."
[WES2009] Disable windows Welcome and ShutDown screens
*[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] "DisableStatusMessages" = 1
===[WES7] Setting default language using answer file===
*Example: change to Japeness UI, but keyboard using English
*InputLocale = en-US (keyboard layout.)
*SystemLocale = ja-JP (the default language to use for non-Unicode programs)
*UILanguage = en-US (the default system language to display user interface)
*UserLocale = ja-JP (formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers in a Windows installation)
===[WES7] Disk Cleanup Wizard addon lets users delete outdated Windows updates on WES7 SP1===
*Install KB2852368
*This update adds a new plugin to the Disk Cleanup wizard. After you install this update, you can use the Windows Update Cleanup option to delete Windows updates that you no longer need.
===[WES7]Graphics driver can't load resource of language===
*2 36.15.0 1091-PV(x32) and are the reason of this issue .
*Don't use those version graphics driver.
===[WES8] S3 resume time and shutdown time too long.  ===
*Changing BIOS OS type, sleep time will normal.
*Changing BIOS OS type, sleep time will normal.
===[WES8] When you use the System Monitor tool, some counters may be missing or do not contain counter data===   
===[WE8S] When you use the System Monitor tool, some counters may be missing or do not contain counter data===   
*CMD: lodctr /r
*CMD: lodctr /r
===[WES7]MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it===

Revision as of 08:19, 16 February 2016


Bootup time too long

  • Enable superfetch
  • Enable virtual memory

Japanese character displaying problem

Change network adapter name

  • delete the registry key which you want to use first
  • put the batch in startup

netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection 3" newname="Local Area Connection 2"

Silent install driver

  • if the installer support silent install, add "/s" option

Setting disk letter. Example: exchange D and E disk letter

  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\diskpart /s xxx.txt
  • in xxx.txt

select volume=D
assign letter= X
elect volume=E
assign letter= D
select volume=X
assign letter= E

[WES2009] Disable balloon tip and hardware detect pop

  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced]


  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced]


  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings]


  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour]


  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings]


  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PlugPlay\Parameters]

"SuppressUI"=1 "SuppressNewHWUI"=1

[WES2009] Disable Share Document folder

  • In the Policy Editor navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components and click on Windows Explorer
  • Enable “Remove Shared Documents form My Computer”

[WES2009] Stop the computer recording "My Recent Documents"

  • Right click task bar and click Properties
  • Click Start Menu/Customize /Advanced
  • uncheck "List my most..."

[WES2009] Disable windows Welcome and ShutDown screens

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] "DisableStatusMessages" = 1

[WES2009] hide or delete the Windows Desktop Recycle Bin icon]

[WES2009] How to disable Help Support

  • Import the reg file in the following link
  • \\eossfs\share\!SupportTeam\OS\IssuePatch\XPE\HideHS\

[WES2009] Why I can’t install Adobe successfully

  • Place the atmlib.dll under system32
  • \\eossfs\share\!SupportTeam\OS\IssuePatch\XPE\XPE Adobe install fail issue\

[WES2009] Why my audio icon is missing after sysprep

  • Import the XP_Audio_Tray_Miss.reg file in the following link
  • \\eossfs\share\!SupportTeam\OS\IssuePatch\XPE\

[WES2009] How to keep the short cuts in your Start after sysprep

  • Export the following registry key in your system as a .reg file


  • Write a batch file to import this reg file
  • Place it to startup path before sysprep

[WES2009] How to keep Virtual Memory setting (Page File) after sysprep

  • Export the following registry key in your system as a .reg file
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]
  • Write a batch file to import this reg file
  • Place it to startup path before sysprep

[WES7] Setting default language using answer file

  • Example: change to Japeness UI, but keyboard using English
  • InputLocale = en-US (keyboard layout.)
  • SystemLocale = ja-JP (the default language to use for non-Unicode programs)
  • UILanguage = en-US (the default system language to display user interface)
  • UserLocale = ja-JP (formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers in a Windows installation)

[WES7] Disk Cleanup Wizard addon lets users delete outdated Windows updates on WES7 SP1

  • Install KB2852368
  • This update adds a new plugin to the Disk Cleanup wizard. After you install this update, you can use the Windows Update Cleanup option to delete Windows updates that you no longer need.

[WES7]Graphics driver can't load resource of language

  • 2 36.15.0 1091-PV(x32) and are the reason of this issue .
  • Don't use those version graphics driver.

[WES7] Unknown device shows yellow bang with HW ID ACPI\INT3396 in device manager

  • In BIOS, Change the setting of [Chipset]->[South Bridge]->[USB Configuration] to OS Selection = windows7

[WES7] E-SKU use DISM add language

  • dism /online /add-package /packagepath:
  • Example: dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\LP.cab

[WES7] USB Japanese 106/109 keyboard issue

  • Install Microsoft Fix it 50311


[WES7/WE8S] GUI boot enable or disable

[WES7] WES7 EWF failed after ghost when no sysprep

  • cmd Rundll32 ewfcfg.dll,EwfSysprepSpecialize

[WES7] Building a Standard Image of Windows 7: Step-by-Step Guide

[WES7] Add a Custom Message to the Welcome Screen

[WES7] WES7 keep driver when sysprep

  • XML

<PersistAllDeviceInstalls>true</PersistAllDeviceInstalls> <DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices>true</DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices>

  • REG

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep\Setting\sppnp DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices to 1 PresistAllDeviceInstalls to 1

[WES7] CopyProfile fails with FindLatestProfile failed (0x80070003) error during Windows 7 deployment

  • This problem may occur if you manually delete the profile folder that is located in the \Users folder.
  • This action causes an inconsistent image state, and leaves the profile information orphaned in the following registry *subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  • http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2530664

[WES7] Desktop UI performance down

  • disable Aero

sc stop
net stop uxsms
sc config uxsms start=disabled

[WES7]MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it

[WE8S] Bad font in ME tabs

  • Install KB2803676 to fix this issue.
  • \\eossfs\share\!SupportTeam\OS\IssuePatch\WE8S\ME_tab_solutions\solutions

[WE8S] How to automatically go to Windows 8 desktop (skip Start/Metro screen) on Windows boot

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "DragFullWindows"="0"

[WE8S] S3 resume time and shutdown time too long.

  • Changing BIOS OS type, sleep time will normal.

[WE8S] When you use the System Monitor tool, some counters may be missing or do not contain counter data

  • CMD: lodctr /r