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= Advantech PMQ =
= Advantech PMQ =
== Advantech PMQ Solution can Help Customer: ==
== Advantech PMQ Solution means for Customer: ==
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Revision as of 05:02, 8 August 2017


This page introduces Predictive Maintenance and Quality ( PMQ ) from Advantech Failure PMQ solution.

    Advantech PMQ includes the deployment of the trained model to make predictions and visualization UI and recommendations for corresponding strategies. The objective is to provide software developers basic concepts and better understating of PMQ deployment and to be more effective to bring your predictive model to production with Advantech PMQ architecture.

Predictive Maintenance and Quality

    PMQ solution aquire multiple data sources in real time to predict asset failure or quality issues so your organization can avoid costly downtime and reduce maintenance costs. Driven by predictive analytics, these solutions detect even minor anomalies and failure patterns to determine the assets and operational processes that are at the greatest risk of problems or failure. This early identification of potential concerns helps you deploy limited resources more cost effectively, maximize equipment uptime and enhance quality and supply chain processes, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

Edge Intelligence

   Edge computing is a distributed information technology (IT) architecture in which client data is processed at the periphery of the network, as close to the originating source as possible.

   Time-sensitive data in edge computing may be processed at the point of origin by an intelligent device or sent to an intermediary server located in close geographical proximity to the client. Data that is less time sensitive is sent to the cloud for historical analysis, big data analytics, and long-term storage.

Advantech PMQ

Advantech PMQ Solution means for Customer:


* IPC / IoT / Vertical Sensor Data Acquire & Storage

   Advantech’s focus is on edge device development, to ensure that the EIS software suite includes the southbound sensing device connectivity that handles diverse sensing protocols such as Modbus, OPC, BACnet, Wireless IP/NonIP, and so on. Those protocols are plugin modules that take care of sensor data, data normalization, and communication The EIS mainly handles the northbound cloud connectivity and intelligence facilities; these are based on the micro service container to modularize the different cloud connections and device management.

* Data Analytics / Deploy / Upgrade

* Visualization & Maintenance

* Event / Action 

* Acceleration – for PoC, PoV and Production

PMQ Architecture and Lifecycle

Overview of Advantech PMQ

Edge Intelligence PMQ Framework

    Advantech EIS adopts edge computing architecture for its IoT solution as below picture. EIS enables local IoT networks to perform edge intelligence to maximize energy efficiency, reduce privacy threats, promote easy implementation and modularization, and minimize latencies.

    The EIS intelligence facilities also adopt the micro service container to deal with the data ingestion workload such as data pre-processing and cleaning. The most valuable faculty in the EIS software suite is streaming analytics. Advantech provides the IPC device PMQ (Predictive Maintenance and Quality) to prove the concept of prediction in the edge field for real-time analytics and upgrade the analytic module that is also based on the micro service container technology from the cloud service for updating more accuracy analytic purpose. The customer can leverage such a framework to develop their own analytic module or PMQ module with EIS open standard architecture. The entire open standard follows the MQTT protocol and the Docker container technology as its foundation framework.

PMQ Service Framework

PMQ Data Format / Event / Action

    Advantech defines 6 categories in JSON format for PMQ service. We define a general JSON format suit for any PMQ solution. Customer just follows to fill its own PMQ data into the data format with JSON then easy integrate with Advantech EIS and WISE-PaaS/RMM PMQ solution.

Here are PMQ Data categories and Syntax:

Syntax for PMQ Algorithm Data

       type              : PMQ ( Fixed: must )
       name            : Name of this service         ( must )
      description    : Description of this service  ( must )
      version          : version of this service      ( must )
      update          : receive update cmd           ( must )

    data: raw data of the PMQ service
        - *User-Defined ( in JSON Object )

   predict:    predict result

          - Failure rate: failure rate of the prediction algorithm ( 0 ~ 100 )  ( must )  

              Good ( Green ): 0 ~ 54, Warning ( Yellow ): 55 ~ 66,  Bad ( Red ): 67 ~ 100

   event: evnet of the PMQ Service
        -  {"n":"e1","sv":"Hard disk long-term operation in more than 40°C or vibration environment.","actionlist":"a1", "asm":"r"}

  action: action of the PMQ service
        - {"n":"a1", "sv":"Please reduce the ambient temperature to 40 °C or less or operation at stable environment.", "asm":"r"}
          "ActionLog"  "sv":"reboot + backup"     : 

    param: parameters of the PMQ service
       - {"n":"predict period", "v":60, "asm":"r", "u":"sec", "min":10, "max":86400}

        - eventnotify JSON Object

PMQ Visualization and Maintenance of WISE-Cloud/RMM 3.3

Advantech PMQ Model

HDD Failure Prediction Model

How To

Implement a PMQ Service

    Customer can implement its own PMQ service as developing a plug-in handler.  The PMQ plug-in handler includes collecting raw data and built-in have been trained model to predictive failure rate. 

We also provide the PMQ plug-in Sample help customer develop its PMQ service with Advantech PMQ System.

You can refer the WISE-Agent Sample Handler for detail about "How to develop a plug-in."

Package PMQ Installation Package

PMQ Service Installer

Customer need modify the "agent_config.xml" follow below rule

<DeviceName>  : Plugin-Name ( ex: HDD_PMQ )
<DevID>       : 000+<DeviceName>  => 16 char ( ex: 000000000HDD_PMQ )
DevType       : Service ( Fixed ) 

OTA Installer

 WISE-PaaS/OTA Packager Tool:

    Customer needs use this OTA Packager Tool  to package your PMQ Service OTA Installation Package. 

Nameing Rule:   Please follow the name rule for PMQ OTA Installation Package.

   Agent_<ServiceName>-<Version>-<Arch>-<OS>-<md5-hash>.zip  ( Example: Agent_HDD_PMQ-v1.0.1-x86_64-Win-8977e5eb7862605fcfb0b45b1773158d.zip )

Install / Upgrade
