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== Sample code ==
== Sample code ==
OpenID.json : Replace realm, realm-public-key, client-id, resource according to realm setting
OpenID.json : Replace realm, realm-public-key, client-id, resource according to realm setting
&nbsp; "realm": "RMM",
&nbsp; "realm-public-key":"MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAgXyx5rl6laDJKt5vvz1lNYsrDgNHZKetagmr81IyvTuYpWQFwJwnai5pNQxfa6jgFBPiOg+pwD7jAfCgQghqWZFWVqPkL+Wt1PXEAXkg54yz9+oCrahsHZPoaQyWhTyf8StBqFUZurA7HkfRqPFINge5xo0jlkjVTcGUUTD/4HzEXc9tYdI1wqv9Ymd+eWG/uhYMu67DvzdNg/aIgxp5U7kYWZiyApjZH4ymP7fEWyFSSRSM/IwWKuW1Lc22w2nEU4RozZ5WF7QoOsjGB7ya62wwJN9UC+v+AgtUDy0VDkiDWruSz9pFQhTyWS1ITh9qoZerJdhu47eHPNKhoGVJpwIDAQAB",
&nbsp; "auth-server-url": "https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth",
&nbsp; "ssl-required": "all requests",
&nbsp; "client-id": "RMMClient",
&nbsp; "public-client": true,
&nbsp; "resource":"RMMClient"
TestOpenID.html : An example HTML login client for WISE-PaaSOpenID Connect
&nbsp; "realm": "RMM",
&nbsp; "realm": "RMM",

Revision as of 07:25, 10 January 2017

WISE-PaaS/OpenID is part of Advantech WISE-PaaS cloud solution and  plays an important role in the interoperability of Internet identity. It provides a central login mechanism.

WISE-PaaS/OpenID Connect utilizes Keycloak which is an open source identity and access management for modern applications and services.

Features Overview

Single-Sign On : Login once to multiple applications

Standard Protocols : OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0

Centralized Management : For admins and users

Adapters : Secure applications and services easily

High Performance : Lightweight, fast and scalable

Clustering : For scalability and availability

Themes : Customize look and feel

Extensible : Customize through code

Password Policies : Customize password policies


Apply a manager account for OpenID Central Server

Please sen a request to <a href="WISE-Paas%2FOpenID%20Connect%20service%20manager">WISE-Paas/OpenID Connect service manager</a> by E-mail. And provide the following information

  • Service name : [RMM] as your realm.
  • Client name : [RMMClient] a client definition for a app to login in.
  • User registration : [True/False] Enable/Disable user registeration.
  • Administrator account : [RMMAdmin] Use this account to manage this realm. The default password is same as account name. Change password after first login.

Setting your service on OpenID server

Open the <a href="https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth/admin/" alt="https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth/admin/" title="https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth/admin/">https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth/admin/</a> and login with applied administrator account to config your realm before implement your client app.

  • (Essential) Public key : OpenID server generate a unique key for client app identification. Copy the public key to json setting file include in the client app .
  • (Essential) Valid Redirect URIs & Web Origins : Provide valid uri pattern for your client app. OpenID server would redirect to your client page while a successful login or logout. Your client page must be publicly accessible.
  • (Optional) User registration : 

Implement client codes


Sample code

OpenID.json : Replace realm, realm-public-key, client-id, resource according to realm setting

  "realm": "RMM",
  "auth-server-url": "https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth",
  "ssl-required": "all requests",
  "client-id": "RMMClient",
  "public-client": true,

TestOpenID.html : An example HTML login client for WISE-PaaSOpenID Connect

  "realm": "RMM",
  "auth-server-url": "https://openidserver.redirectme.net:8443/auth",
  "ssl-required": "all requests",
  "client-id": "RMMClient",
  "public-client": true,