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[http://ess-wiki.advantech.com.tw/view/IoTGateway/BSP/Android/BinaryImage#Flashing <span id="flashing" class="mw-headline"><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 175, 240);">Flashing document</span></span></span>]
[http://ess-wiki.advantech.com.tw/view/IoTGateway/BSP/Android/BinaryImage#Flashing <span id="flashing" class="mw-headline"><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 175, 240);">Flashing document</span></span></span>]
== Features&nbsp; ==
*Linux 4.1.15 kernel
*Google Marshmallow 6.0 release
*Boot source : eMMC, External SD
*Splash Screen for LVD
*Multitouch on LVDS panel
*UI (display)
**ROM3420: LVDS panel, HDMI display, VGA dispaly
**ROM7421:&nbsp;LVDS panel, HDMI display,
*UI (brightnes control)
*Storage - External Media
*Connectivity - Ethernet
*Power - CPU Freq
*Power - Bus Freq
*Media - Music Play
*Media - Sound Record
*Media - Video Play
*Graphic - HW 3D acceleration
**OpenGL-ES 1.1/2.0/3.0 through GC2000, GC880 3D core, or OpenGL-ES 1.1/2.0/3.0 through GC3000+ OpenGL-ES 1.1/2.0 through GC2000, GC880, GC400T, GC400T
*Graphic - HW accelerated UI surface composition
*Misc - ADB over USB
*Data Partition Encryption
*USB Accessory
*Ethernet APK

Revision as of 11:36, 6 February 2017

Android Image Downloads

Download Android Image (list below):


user name:




${BOARD} : target board name (list below)

rsb_4410 / rom_3420 / rom_5420 / rom_7420 / ubc_ds31 / ubc_200 / rsb_6410

${BSPHOME} : the directory that BSP tarball extacted to

${SD_DEVICE} : device name of SD card in Ubuntu (e.g. /dev/sdf)

${MMC_DEVICE} : device name of on-board eMMC in Android (e.g. /dev/block/mmcblk0)

debug console / serial console

serial terminal program (e.g. minicom, putty, teraterm ...) that serial port is configured to 115200 8N1

terminal console

terminal program (e.g. gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal ...)

To create a bootable SD card

Perform the following command in terminal console
$ cd ${BSPHOME}/scripts
$ ./mksd-android.sh ${SD_DEVICE}

To transfer whole system to onboard eMMC

Boot up from SD card
Perform the following commands in debug console
# cd /data/mkimage/scripts
# sh ./mksd-android.sh ${MMC_DEVICE}
Remove SD card, then target board can boot up from onboard eMMC.
The mksd-android.sh script reference: https://github.com/ADVANTECH-Corp/android_mk_sd_emmc_script

Release Note

Release Description

This release includes all porting and enhancements based on the Android open source code.

Supported Hardware

i.MX 6Quad ROM3420 board and platform

i.MX 6QuadPlus ROM7421 board and platform

Release Package Contents

The release package includes the following software and documents:

Android Image

Flashing document


  • Linux 4.1.15 kernel
  • Google Marshmallow 6.0 release
  • Boot source : eMMC, External SD
  • Splash Screen for LVD
  • Multitouch on LVDS panel
  • UI (display)
    • ROM3420: LVDS panel, HDMI display, VGA dispaly
    • ROM7421: LVDS panel, HDMI display,
  • UI (brightnes control)
  • Storage - External Media
  • Connectivity - Ethernet
  • Power - CPU Freq
  • Power - Bus Freq
  • Media - Music Play
  • Media - Sound Record
  • Media - Video Play
  • Graphic - HW 3D acceleration
    • OpenGL-ES 1.1/2.0/3.0 through GC2000, GC880 3D core, or OpenGL-ES 1.1/2.0/3.0 through GC3000+ OpenGL-ES 1.1/2.0 through GC2000, GC880, GC400T, GC400T
  • Graphic - HW accelerated UI surface composition
  • Misc - ADB over USB
  • Data Partition Encryption
  • USB Accessory
  • Ethernet APK