Difference between revisions of "IoTGateway/BSP/Linux/iMX6/Yocto LBV8 User Guide"

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Line 137: Line 137:
  $ tar zxvf imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz
  $ tar zxvf imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz
== <span style="color:#0070c0">Downloads tarball</span> ==
== <span style="color:#0070c0">Downloads tarball</span> ==
:Not necessarily step
:Not necessarily step
:During build Yocto image , it will generate downloads folder which includes all packages we need , but it usually can't fetch normally,
:During building &nbsp;Yocto image , it will generate downloads folder which includes all packages we need , but it usually can't fetch normally,
so we keep this downloads folder.
Then we can reduce some fetch failed issue.
so we keep this downloads folder. Then we can reduce some fetch failed issue.
:If you get downloads tarball , you can copy to your '''${WORKSPACE}'''
:If you get downloads tarball , you can copy to your '''${WORKSPACE}'''
Line 166: Line 167:
5.make link to downloads folder
5.make link to downloads folder
  $ cd adv-release-bsp
  $ cd adv-release-bsp
  $ ln -s ${WORKSPACE}/downloads_2.1 downloads
  $ ln -s ${WORKSPACE}/downloads_2.1 downloads

Revision as of 03:58, 23 February 2017

Getting Started


${PREBUILT_IMAGE} : compressed prebuilt image (*.img.gz)

${CONTAINER_NAME} : container name (e.g. imx6LBV8040)

${BSP_TARBALL} : BSP tarball (*.tgz)

${BSP_HOME} : home directory of the BSP

${BDIR} : build directory (e.g. build_x11)

${MX6PROC} : i.MX6 Processor

mx6q for iMX6 Quad Core / Dual Core
mx6dl for iMX6 Dual Lite / Solo

${IMX6PROC} : i.MX6 Processor

imx6q / imx6dl

${BOARD} : available target boards list below

rom5420/ / rom7421 / ubc220 / rom3420 / rom7420 / rsb4410 / rsb4411 / ubcds31 / wise3310

${BOARD_REV} : board revision

a1 / a2 / b1

${MC} : machine code combined with ${IMX6PROC}${BOARD}${BOARD_REV}

for example,
imx6dlrom5420b1 for ROM-5420-Solo B1
imx6dlrom7421a1 for ROM-7421-Solo A1
imx6dlubc220a1 for UBC-220-Dual-Light A1
imx6qprom7421a1 for ROM-7421-Dual/Quad-Plus A1
imx6qrom3420a1 for ROM-3420-Dual/Quad A1
imx6qrom5420a1 for ROM-5420-Dual/Quad A1
imx6qrom5420b1 for ROM-5420-Dual/Quad B1
imx6qrom7420a1 for ROM-7420-Dual/Quad A1
imx6qrsb4410a1 for RSB-4410-Dual A1
imx6qrsb4410a2 for RSB-4410-Dual A2
imx6qrsb4411a1 for RSB-4411-Dual/Quad A1
imx6qubcds31a1 for UBC-DS31-Dual A1
imx6qwise3310a1 for WISE-3310-Dual A1

${MEM_SIZE} : memory size

1G / 2G / 512M

${SD_DEVICE} : device name of SD card in Linux (e.g. /dev/sdf)

${SDCARD_IMAGE} : sdcard image built by bitbake (*.sdcard)

${WORKSPACE} : host workspace folders

${UBOOT} :u-boot version(e.g. 2016.03)

${KERNEL} : linux kernel version(e.g. 4.1.15)

${TOOLCHAIN} : toolchain installed directory(e.g. /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.1.15-2.0.0)

debug console / serial console

serial terminal program (e.g. minicom, putty, teraterm ...) that serial port is configured to 115200 8N1

terminal console

terminal program (e.g. gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal ...)

Docker install and setting

If you don't have docker in your system, then you can follow the below  steps to install docker and run it first.

To install Docker Engine on your platform

Please refer to Docker Installation Guide for details

To pull ubuntu 12.04 image from Docker Hub 

$ docker pull advrisc/u12.04-imx6lbv3

To create container

$ docker run --privileged -it --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} -v ${WORKSPACE}:/home/adv -v /dev:/dev advrisc/u12.04-imx6lbv3 /bin/bash


You have two methods to put BSP into container created above

Download BSP From GitHub

The following example shows how to download the Advantech Yocto BSP from GitHub.
For this example, a directory called adv-release-bsp is created for the project.
Refer to IoTGateway/BSP/Linux/iMX6/OS Support List new , Official version "imx6LBV8040" is taken as an example :
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email you@example.com
$ mkdir adv-release-bsp
$ cd adv-release-bsp
$ repo init -u git://github.com/ADVANTECH-Corp/adv-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m imx6LBV8040.xml
$ repo sync

Copy BSP tarball to Container

If you have BSP tarball (eg. imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz), then you have to copy it into container.

Follow the steps below:

1.Exit container and back to local machine

$ exit

2.Copy BSP tarball to ${WORKSPACE} , and change owner

$ cp imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz ${WORKSPACE}
$ sudo chown adv:adv ${WORKSPACE}/imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz 

3.Back to container

$ docker start ${CONTAINER_NAME}
$ docker attach ${CONTAINER_NAME}

4.Unpack BSP tarball

$ tar zxvf imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz

Downloads tarball

Not necessarily step
During building  Yocto image , it will generate downloads folder which includes all packages we need , but it usually can't fetch normally,

so we keep this downloads folder. Then we can reduce some fetch failed issue.

If you get downloads tarball , you can copy to your ${WORKSPACE}

Follow the steps below:

1.Exit container and back to local machine

$ exit

2.Copy Downloads tarball to ${WORKSPACE} , and change owner

$ cp downloads-2.1.tar.gz ${WORKSPACE}
$ sudo chown adv:adv ${WORKSPACE}/downloads-2.1.tar.gz 

3.Back to container

$ docker start ${CONTAINER_NAME}
$ docker attach ${CONTAINER_NAME}

4.Unpack Downloads tarball

$ tar zxvf downloads-2.1.tar.gz

5.make link to downloads folder

$ cd adv-release-bsp
$ ln -s ${WORKSPACE}/downloads_2.1 downloads

Introducing BSP

The BSP is based on Yocto Project with Freescale enhanced features for i.MX6, plus specific target board features from Advantech Inc..
The Advantech Yocto Project BSP Release directory contains a "sources" directory, which contains the recipes used to build,

one or more build directories, and a set of scripts used to set up the environment.

The recipes used to build the project come from both the community and Advantech. The Yocto Project layers are downloaded

to the sources directory. This sets up the recipes that are used to build the project.

Naming Rule

The tarball/prebuilt image name is consist of the model name followed by "LB" or "LI" plus version number and released date.
For example, BSP file name: imx6LBV8040_2017-01-16.tgz
which , "LB" is acronym of Linux BSP,
           "V8040" stands for Version 8.040.

For example, Yocto image name: 7421A1LIV8040_DualPlus_2017-01-16.img.gz
which "7421A1" stands for ROM-7421 A1
          "LI" is acronym for prebuilt Linux Image,
          "DualPlus" means this image is fit for Dual Plus Core/Quad Plus Core.
For example, Yocto image name: 3420A1LIV8050_DualQuad_2017-01-17.img.gz
which "3420A1" stands for ROM-3420 A1
          "LI" is acronym for prebuilt Linux Image,
          "DualQuad" means this image is fit for Dual Core/Quad Core.
For example, Yocto image name: U220A1LIV8080_DualLiteSolo_2017-02-08.img.gz
which "U220A1" stands for UBC-220 A1
          "LI" is acronym for prebuilt Linux Image,
          "DualLiteSolo" means this image is fit for Dual Lite Core/Solo Core.

BSP Content

The description of some important folders list below:
meta-advantech/ : meta layer by Advantech
meta-fsl-*/ : meta layer by Freescale
fsl-setup-release.sh : to create one new build environment
setup-environment : to continue an exist build environment

Build Instructions

To create one new build environment

Perform the following commands in terminal console
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}
$ MACHINE=${MC} source fsl-setup-release.sh -b ${BDIR} -e x11
You need to read and accept the EULA.

To continue an exist build environment

Perform the following commands in terminal console
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}
$ source setup-environment ${BDIR}

To build sdcard image

To create/continue a build environment
Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake fsl-image-qt5
The file, fsl-image-qt5-${MC}.sdcard, will be located in directory, ./tmp/deploy/images/${MC}, while building process finished successfully.

To build toolchain installer

To create/continue a build environment
Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5
The below installer will be located in the directory "./tmp/deploy/sdk".

To build u-boot

To create/continue a build environment
Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake u-boot-imx
The two files, u-boot_crc.bin & u-boot_crc.bin.crc, will be located in the directory, ./tmp/deploy/images/${MC}.

To build linux kernel

To create/continue a build environment
Perform the following command in terminal console
to show up menuconfig
$ bitbake linux-imx -c menuconfig
* If you operate on docker images, please install tmux application before running this command.
$ sudo apt-get install tmux
to do build
$ bitbake linux-imx
The two files, zImage & zImage-${IMX6PROC}-${BOARD}-${BOARD_REV}.dtb, will be located in the directory, ./tmp/deploy/images/${MC}.

Creating boot-up on-board flash from prebuilt image

To create one boot-up SD card

Perform the following command in terminal console
$ gunzip -c ${PREBUILT_IMAGE | dd of=${SD_DEVICE} bs=1M

To transfer whole system to on-board flash

Boot up from SD card
Perform the following commands in debug console
# cd /mk_inand
# ./mksd-linux.sh /dev/mmcblk0
press y followed by Enter, if following message shows up:
While "[Done]" shows up means the transferring is finished.

Creating boot-up on-board flash from built sdcard image

To create one boot-up SD card

Perform the following commands in terminal console
$ pushd ${BSP_HOME}/${BDIR}/tmp/deploy/images/${MC}
$ dd if=${SDCARD_IMAGE} of=${SD_DEVICE} bs=1M
$ popd

To transfer whole system to on-board flash

Boot up from SD card
Insert USB stick that contains ${SDCARD_IMAGE}, USB stick will be auto mounted to /run/media/sda1.
Perform the following commands in debug console
# umount /dev/mmcblk0p?
# cd /run/media/sda1
# dd if=${SDCARD_IMAGE} of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M conv=fsync
# P2START=$(fdisk -lu | grep mmcblk0p2 | awk '{print $2}')
# echo -e "d\n2\nn\np\n2\n${P2START}\n\nw\n" | fdisk -u /dev/mmcblk0
# umount /dev/mmcblk0p2
# e2fsck -f -y /dev/mmcblk0p2
# resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
# poweroff


Package addition

To add tcf-agent & openssh-sftp-server

Navigate to the directory where fsl-image-adv.inc located
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}/sources/meta-advantech/recipes-fsl/images
Add following line to fsl-image-adv.inc
IMAGE_INSTALL += " tcf-agent openssh-sftp-server "
Continue an exist build environment and build sdcard image

To add chromium browser

Navigate to the directory where local.conf located
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}/${BDIR}/conf
Add following two lines to local.conf
Continue an exist build environment and build sdcard image

Setting up SDK

Please follow the section,To build toolchain installer, to build one toolchain installer
Perform the following command in terminal console
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}/${BDIR}/tmp/deploy/sdk
$ sudo ./fsl-imx-x11-glibc-x86_64-meta-toolchain-qt5-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-toolchain-${KERNEL}-1.1.0.sh
Enter new installed directory or just press Enter to use default directory.
While Proceed[y/n]? shows up, please enter the correct one.
Waiting for the SDK installed (while the following messages show up completely)

Setting up cross compiling environment

SDK has been set up (ref. Setting up SDK)
Perform the following command in terminal console
$ source ${TOOLCHAIN}/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi

Building & updating u-boot manually

The cross compiling environment has been set up. (ref. Setting up cross compiling environment)

Copy BSP tarball to Container

Refer to Copy_BSP_tarball_to_Container , copy u-boot tarball to ${WORKSPACE} and back to container change owner & unpack tarball

$ sudo chown adv:adv imx6LBV8210_2017-02-20_uboot-imx6.tgz
$ tar zxvf imx6LBV8210_2017-02-20_uboot-imx6.tgz

Config u-boot

$make ${MX6PROC}${BOARD}${BOARD_REV}_${MEM_SIZE}_defconfig


$make mx6qrsb4411a1_1G_defconfig

Build u-boot

$make -j4

Replace u-boot

Perform the following command to transfer to exist boot-up SD card
$ dd if=u-boot_crc.bin.crc of=${SD_DEVICE} bs=512 seek=2 conv=fsync
$ dd if=u-boot_crc.bin.crc of=<span style=${SD_DEVICE} bs=512 seek=2 conv=fsync
Perform the following command to transfer to on-board flash
$ dd if=u-boot_crc.bin.crc of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=2 conv=fsync
$ dd if=u-boot-crc.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=3 conv=fsync

Building & updating kernel/modules/dtb manually

The cross compiling environment has been set up. (ref. Setting up cross compiling environment)

Copy BSP tarball to Container

Refer to Copy_BSP_tarball_to_Container , copy kernel tarball to ${WORKSPACE} and back to container

change owner & unpack tarball

$ sudo chown adv:adv imx6LBV8210_2017-02-20_linux-imx6.tgz
$ tar zxvf imx6LBV8210_2017-02-20_linux-imx6.tgz

Config kernel

Configure linux kernel
$cd linux-imx6
$make distclean
$make imx_v7_adv_defconfig

Build kernel

Start building linux kernel
$ make -j4 zImage LOADADDR=0x10008000 LDFLAGS=
The kernel image file, zImage, is located in the directory "./arch/arm/boot/".
Start building kernel modules
$ make -j4 modules LDFLAGS=
Copy all modules to a temporary rootfs directory, "~/temp/rootfs"
$ make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/temp/rootfs
Building device tree blob
$ make -j4 ${IMX6PROC}-${BOARD}-${BOARD_REV}.dtb
The device tree blob, ${IMX6PROC}-${BOARD}-${BOARD_REV}.dtb, is located in the directory "./arch/arm/boot/dts/".

Replace kernel & dts

Replace kernel
copy zImage to SDcard or emmc
Replace dtb file
copy dtb file to SDcard or emmc

System Recovery

Please refer to Creating boot-up on-board flash from prebuilt image / sdcard image to create a boot-up SD card and transfer whole system to on-board flash.