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   "susiCommData": {
   "susiCommData": {
     "devID":"<span style="color:#FF0000;">0027000E40000001</span>",    // User Define, NULL-> Auto <span style="color:#FF0000;">UUID-like</span>
     "devID":"0027000E40000001",    // User Define, NULL-> Auto <span style="color:#FF0000;">UUID-like</span>
     "hostname":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",    // The same with Handler Name
     "hostname":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",    // The same with Handler Name

Revision as of 06:39, 9 March 2017


Introduction for "WISE-Snail communication protocol for EIS Service". WISEAgent communication protocol is base on standard MQTT protocol. We also define Advantech IoT Topic and message in JSON format. Follow standard to design our [Sensor Format in JSON ]



  • Description: Agent Client sends the "Connect Info" to RMM Server for on-line notification.
  • Type: Info
  • Direction: Agent -> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentinfoack
  • QoS: 2
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
  "susiCommData": {
    	"devID":"0027000E40000001",     // User Define, NULL-> Auto <span style="color:#FF0000;">UUID-like</span>
    	"hostname":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",     // The same with Handler Name
    	"type":"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Service</span>",               // <span style="color:#FF0000;">Fixed: Service</span>     
    	"product":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",
    	"agentID":"<span style="color:#FF0000;">0027000E40000001</span>",

OS Info

  • Description: Agent Client sends the OS Info" to RMM Server for device OS information.
  • Type: Info
  • Direction: Agent -> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
        "cagentType":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",   // The same with Handler Name
     "agentID":"<span style="color:#FF0000;">0027000E40000001</span>",


  • Description: Agent Client sends the "Disconnect Info" to Server for off-line notification.
  • Type: Info
  • Direction: Agent -> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentinfoack
  • QoS: 2
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
  "susiCommData": {
    	"hostname":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",
    	"type":"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Service</span>",
    	"product":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",

Info or Update Service's Capability

  • Description: Agent will send it's capability to Server for description all resource.
  • Type: Auto update
  • Direction: Agent-> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload: 

Example: Service's Capability

    "infoSpec": {
        "<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>": {
            "Info": {"e":[ {"n":"Temperature","u":"Cel","v":0.000000,"min":-100.000000,"max":200.000000,"asm":"r","type":"d","rt":"ucum.Cel","st":"ipso","exten":""},
                           {"n":"SmartML", "sv":"<xml>", "asm":"rw", "format":"xml", "encoding":"base64"},
                           {"n":"SmartData", "sv":"<json>", "asm":"r", "format":"json", "encoding":"base64"}
          "bn":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>"

Auto Update Sensor Data Value

  • Description: Agent will update latest value to server.
  • Type: Auto update
  • Direction: Agent-> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/deviceinfo
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
        "<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>":{  
                   {"n":"SmartData", "sv":"<json>"}
           "bn":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>"

Get Sensor Data

  • Description: Server can send mqtt message to get sensor data value.
  • Type: Request
  • Direction: Server -> Agent
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentcallbackreq
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
              "n":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName>/Info/SmartML</span>"
     "handlerName":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",
  • Description: Agent will reply its data value.
  • Type: Reply
  • Direction: Agent -> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
     "handlerName":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",
              "n":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName>/Info/SmartML</span>",

Set Sensor Data

  • Description: Server can send mqtt message to set sensor data value.
  • Type: Request
  • Direction: Server -> Agent
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentcallbackreq
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
    "handlerName":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>", 
              "n":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName>/Info/SmartML</span>"
  • Description: Agent will reply its result.
  • Type: Reply
  • Direction: Agent -> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq
  • QoS: 0
  • Retained: 0
  • Payload:
     "handlerName":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName></span>",
              "n":"<span style="color:#FF0000;"><ServiceName>/Info/SmartML</span>",


  • Description: 
  • Type: Auto update
  • Direction: Agent -> Server
  • Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/eventnotify
  • QoS: ?
  • Retained: ?
  • Payload:
         "subtype":"predictError", #predictError/predictInfo
         "msg":"HDD smart 5 over the threshold",
               "suggestion1":"Please back up your HDD data. The HDD has the probability to break down in 30 days.",
                    "suggestion1":"Please lower the environment temperature under 40C.",
                    "suggestion2":"Please make sure the cooling system is working properly.",

     Severity_Emergency = 0,
     Severity_Alert     = 1,
     Severity_Critical  = 2,
     Severity_Error     = 3,
     Severity_Warning   = 4,
     Severity_Informational = 5,
     Severity_Debug     = 6,
