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Currently, we adopt [https://www.docker.com/ Docker] as build environment.
Currently, we adopt [https://www.docker.com/ Docker] as build environment.
You can get the latest version of advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1 Docker image for developing Rockchip RK3399 projects.
You can get the latest version of advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1 Docker image for developing Rockchip RK3568 projects.
Docker command:
Docker command:

Revision as of 08:15, 23 November 2021

Linux BSP Version

Debian 10.x

Kernel 4.19.172

Build Environment on Host

Currently, we adopt Docker as build environment.

You can get the latest version of advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1 Docker image for developing Rockchip RK3568 projects.

Docker command:

docker pull advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1

Run Docker example

Step1 Run docker container (example)

sudo docker run -it --name rk3399_linux_risc -v /home/bsp/myLinux:/home/adv/BSP:rw --privileged advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1:latest /bin/bash

Step2 In container, change the user. (example)

 adv@7cc0fa834366:~$ sudo chown adv:adv -R BSP

Install Some tools

$sudo apt-get install expect 

Getting Linux Source Code

Debian 9.x / Ubuntu18.04

$ cd ~/BSP
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/rockchip-linux/repo.git
$ mkdir rk3399_linux_risc
$ cd rk3399_linux_risc
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email you@example.com
$ ../repo/repo init -u https://github.com/ADVANTECH-Rockchip/linux-manifest.git -b rk3399_linux_v231_risc -m default.xml
$ ../repo/repo sync
$ ../repo/repo forall -c git checkout -b local --track advantech-github/rk3399_linux_v231_risc

Debian 10.x

$ cd ~/BSP
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/rockchip-linux/repo.git
$ mkdir rk3399_linux_risc
$ cd rk3399_linux_risc
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email you@example.com
$ ../repo/repo init -u https://github.com/ADVANTECH-Rockchip/linux-manifest.git -b rk3399_linux_v251_risc -m default.xml
$ ../repo/repo sync
$ ../repo/repo forall -c git checkout -b local --track advantech-github/rk3399_linux_v251_risc

Build U-boot

Build RSB-3710 U-boot

$ export TOP=`pwd`
$ cd $TOP
$ cd u-boot
$ ./make.sh rk3399_rsb3710a2_2G

Build RSB-4710 U-boot

$ export TOP=`pwd`
$ cd $TOP
$ cd u-boot
$ ./make.sh rk3399_rsb4710a2_2G

Build ROM-5780 U-boot

$ export TOP=`pwd` 
$ cd $TOP $ cd u-boot 
$ ./make.sh rk3399_rom5780a3_2G

Build Kernel

Build RSB-3710 Kernel

$ cd $TOP
$ cd kernel
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399_adv_defconfig -j8
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399-rsb3710-a2.img -j12

Build RSB-4710 Kernel

$ cd $TOP
$ cd kernel
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399_adv_defconfig -j8
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399-rsb4710-a2.img -j12

Build ROM-5780 Kernel

$ cd $TOP 
$ cd kernel
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399_adv_defconfig -j8 
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399-rom5780-a3.img -j12

Build Recovery

$ cd $TOP
$ rm buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3399_recovery -rf
$ source envsetup.sh rockchip_rk3399_recovery
$ ./build.sh recovery

Build Debian 9.x / Debian 10.x

$ cd $TOP
$ source envsetup.sh rockchip_rk3399
$ sudo BUILD_IN_DOCKER=TRUE ./mk-debian.sh

Build ubuntu 18.04

$ cd $TOP
$ source envsetup.sh rockchip_rk3399
$ cd rootfs_adv/ubuntu18.04/
$ sudo ./mk-ubuntu.sh

You can get ubuntu 18.04 "rootfs.img" in the fold "rootfs_adv/ubuntu18.04" .

Push all image to rockdev folder

$ ./mkfirmware.sh

All image in rockdev/ ./mkfirmware.sh at previous step will repack boot.img and rootfs.img, and copy other related image files to the rockdev/ directory. The common image files are listed below:

# board.img       
# boot.img     
# misc.img    
# oem.img 
# recovery.img    
# rootfs.img    
# uboot.img     
# trust.img        
# MiniLoaderAll.bin
# parameter.txt

Make update.img

$ cd $TOP
$ source envsetup.sh rockchip_rk3399
$ ./build.sh updateimg

You can get update.img in rockdev/

How to update images?

There are three ways to update images:


There is no limitation by this way.

2._Using_storage(such sd_or_USB_disk)with_update.zip_in_it.

There are some limitations:

(1)The device must be able to boot up to Debian.

(2)Only update images from the same os,  eg : 

        Debian upgrade to Debian.

(3)Using update.img to upgrade. 

3._Using_bootup_sd_disk made_by SDDiskTool.

(1)Only update images from the same os,  eg : 

         Debian upgrade to Debian.

(2)Using update.img to upgrade.