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Line 3: Line 3:
 This document is about EIS RESTful API service of Wireless Sensor Manage (WSNManage). There are two major classes in WSNManage service one is "Connectiviy" another is "SenHub". Connectivity is wireless interfaces information in the EIS IoT Gateway solution. "SenHub" is short of sensor hub. 
 This document is about EIS RESTful API service of Wireless Sensor Manage (WSNManage). There are two major classes in WSNManage service one is "Connectiviy" another is "SenHub". Connectivity is wireless interfaces information in the EIS IoT Gateway solution. "SenHub" is short of sensor hub. 
= Connectivity =
== Connectivity ==
=== GET ===
'''Path: WSNManage/Connectivity'''
'''Path: WSNManage/Connectivity'''
Line 59: Line 61:
= SenHub =
== SenHub ==
== Get ==
=== Get ===
'''1.Path: WSNManage/SenHub/AllSenHubList'''
'''1.Path: WSNManage/SenHub/AllSenHubList'''
Line 162: Line 164:
== Put ==
=== Put ===
'''EIS RESTful only supports change one resource in each request.'''
'''EIS RESTful only supports change one resource in each request.'''

Revision as of 05:47, 7 November 2016

RESTful API Path Rule for WSNManage

 This document is about EIS RESTful API service of Wireless Sensor Manage (WSNManage). There are two major classes in WSNManage service one is "Connectiviy" another is "SenHub". Connectivity is wireless interfaces information in the EIS IoT Gateway solution. "SenHub" is short of sensor hub. 



Path: WSNManage/Connectivity

-> All Capability ( without data )

 "IoTGW": {
          "WSN": { 
             "WSN0": { 
                  "Info": { 
                            "e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":",","asm":"r"},
              "bn":"0000852CF4B7B0E8", "ver":1 
            "WSN1": { 
                  "Info": { 
                           "e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"","asm":"r"}, 
       "Bt": { 
             "Bt0": { 
                    "Info": { 
                             "e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"","asm":"r"}, 
     "ver": 1,



1.Path: WSNManage/SenHub/AllSenHubList



2. Path: WSNManage/SenHub/<DeviceID>/DevInfo </br>



3. Path: WSNManage/SenHub/<DeviceID>

Reply: Capability ( without data )


 "SenHub": {
        "SenData": {"e":[ {"n":"Temperature","u":"Cel","v":0.000000,"min":-100.000000,"max":200.000000,"asm":"r","type":"d","rt":"ucum.Cel","st":"ipso","exten":""},
        "Info": {"e":[{"n":"Name","sv":"SenHub1","asm":"rw"},
       "Net": {"e":[{"n":"sw","sv":"1.0.00","asm":"r"},

4. Path: WSNManage/SenHub/<DeviceID>/SenHub

Reply: with latest data value 

    "SenData": {"e":[ {"n":"Temperature","v":26},
    "Info": {"e":[{"n":"Name","sv":"SenHub1"},
   "Net": {"e":[{"n":"sw","sv":"1.0.00"},

5. Path: WSNManage/SenHub/<DeviceID>/SenHub/SenData

Reply: with latest data

    "SenData": {"e":[ {"n":"Temperature","v":26},

6. WSNManage/SenHub/<DeviceID>/SenHub/SenData/Temperature

Reply: with latest data



EIS RESTful only supports change one resource in each request.

Ex: To chagne SenHub's Name by 'PUT' RESTful method

Path: WSNManage/SenHub/<DeviceID>/SenHub/Info/Name




HTTP Code: 200 OK



Event Trigger by WebSockt

     {"event":"eConnectivity_Capability"}, // => Update Connectivity Capability ( Without data )
     {"event":"eConnectivity_UpdateData"}, // => Update Connectivity's Data
     {"event":"eSenHub_Connected"},        // => A new SenHub connected
     {"event":"eSenHub_Disconnect"},       // => A SenHub is disconnected
     {"event":"eSenHub_Capability"},       // => Update a SenHub's Capability ( Without Data )
     {"event":"eSenHub_UpdateData"}]       // => Update SenHub's Data

Updtae Connectivity Capability

Event Type: eConnectivity_Capability

 "IoTGW": {
          "WSN": { 
             "WSN0": { 
                  "Info": { 
                            "e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":",","asm":"r"},
              "bn":"0000852CF4B7B0E8", "ver":1 
            "WSN1": { 
                  "Info": { 
                           "e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"","asm":"r"}, 
       "Bt": { 
             "Bt0": { 
                    "Info": { 
                             "e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"","asm":"r"}, 
     "ver": 1,