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William LS1046ARDB



<figure id="9b4bbcbd-4ed2-4285-9173-a760e0e7823a" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/SD%20Boot%20(firmware%20+%20rfs%20+bootpartition)%209b4bbcbd4ed242859173a760e0e7823a.html">SD Boot (firmware + rfs +bootpartition)</a></figure><figure id="437c2a38-6a7e-4e24-ae83-d8827802bbdd" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/qspi%20(firmware)%E2%86%92%20sd%20(rfs%20and%20bootpartition)%20boot%20437c2a386a7e4e24ae83d8827802bbdd.html">qspi (firmware)→ sd (rfs and bootpartition) boot</a></figure><figure id="cb4d304c-1a1c-40d5-87a8-86b15eb9dc0a" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/eMMC%20(firmware)%20Boot%20cb4d304c1a1c40d587a886b15eb9dc0a.html">eMMC (firmware) Boot</a></figure><figure id="6b96f47d-b9f7-4abb-8f47-9c54c7a95156" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/qspi%20(firmware)%20%E2%86%92%20emmc(rft%20&%20boot%20partition)%20boot%20%206b96f47db9f74abb8f479c54c7a95156.html">qspi (firmware) → emmc(rft & boot partition) boot ⇒ emmc space not enough</a></figure>

Memory Layout

<figure id="ebb13629-ce70-419c-9dc4-8cef98b2e842" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/Storage%20layout%20on%20SD%20USB%20SATA%20for%20LSDK%20images%20depl%20ebb13629ce70419c9dc48cef98b2e842.html">Storage layout on SD/USB/SATA for LSDK images deployment</a></figure><figure id="a2c0e0ab-c3d4-4553-a6dc-4ed9a9879b9c" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/memory%20layout%20of%20NOR%20QSPI%20XSPI%20NAND%20SD%20media%20for%20c%20a2c0e0abc3d44553a6dc4ed9a9879b9c.html"> memory layout of NOR/QSPI/XSPI/NAND/SD media for composite firmware</a></figure>


<figure id="7d0acec7-1509-4525-aea6-afdeee8d6755" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/%E5%A4%96%E7%B6%B2%20routing%20table%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9A%207d0acec715094525aea6afdeee8d6755.html">外網 routing table設定</a></figure><figure id="7974eb82-535c-469a-83e1-cf0b10cd2dc1" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/tftp%20server%20%E6%9E%B6%E8%A8%AD%207974eb82535c469a83e1cf0b10cd2dc1.html">tftp server 架設</a></figure>


<figure id="fa2e5e7f-aded-45a0-8eed-c7b546543656" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/flex-builder%20docker%20fail%20(%E6%9C%89%E8%A7%A3%E6%B3%95)%20fa2e5e7faded45a08eedc7b546543656.html">flex-builder docker fail (有解法)</a></figure><figure id="f5a86ea4-6cd9-468b-9ea3-43739a625a4d" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1build%20docker%20file%20f5a86ea46cd9468b9ea343739a625a4d.html">自己build docker file</a></figure>


<figure id="d267700d-cb72-4081-a6b4-43e16277dfd4" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/close%20windows%20storage%20service%20d267700dcb724081a6b443e16277dfd4.html">close windows storage service</a></figure>


<figure id="4f082b94-df42-4db9-ba82-2145c41c8fab" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9Aubuntu%20&%20docker%20%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%20in%20lsdk%20config%204f082b94df424db9ba822145c41c8fab.html">設定ubuntu & docker 版本 in lsdk config</a></figure><figure id="9f2a1800-452b-42c5-b7fc-ca7cf992bd10" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/install%20prebuild%20image%20to%20SD%209f2a1800452b42c5b7fcca7cf992bd10.html">install prebuild image to SD</a></figure><figure id="0820fc68-28fd-431d-9071-caedf1a5dbf6" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/%E7%87%92%E9%8C%84%E6%99%82%E9%96%93%200820fc6828fd431d9071caedf1a5dbf6.html">燒錄時間</a></figure><figure id="a6bd41e3-29ff-49b9-9585-3aac9fe6379e" class="link-to-page"><a href="William%20LS1046ARDB%209fe7a230410f4eae854fc51bb5ea77f3/emmc%20%E7%87%92%E5%A3%9E%E7%9A%84%E5%BE%A9%E5%8E%9F%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95%20a6bd41e329ff49b995853aac9fe6379e.html">emmc 燒壞的復原方法</a></figure>
