WiseSnail is the short name of Wise Sensor Network Abstract Interactive Layer. It is a layer to define the topology and behavior of sensor network. A complete device represented in WiseSnail includes one virtual gateway, one sensor connectivity interface and several sensor hubs. WiseSnail provides a form-like array which we call it infospec array to define tha parameters of sensor hub. And a form-like data array updates your real time data. So, you can easy to represent your device by creating several arrays.
- The infospec structure defines your parameters in sensor hub. Those parameter structures will represented in Wise-Paas like a tag. this structure includes two callback functions. You can use the callbacks to define your own get and set function. The parameter button on Wise-Paas will different by whether the set function is defined or not. If the set function is defined, the value is writeable by users on Wise-Paas.
struct WiseSnail_InfoSpec{ WiseSnail_DataType type; char *name; char *unit; union { float value; char *string; }; float min; float max; char *resourcetype; WiseSnail_SetValue setValue; WiseSnail_GetValue getValue; };
{ WISE_VALUE, //WiseSnail_DataType "Temperature", //name "Cel", //unit 0, //value or string -100, //min 200, //max "ucum.Cel", //resourcetype, optional NULL, //set function NULL //get function }