IoTGateway/WiseSnail Simulator

Revision as of 03:26, 12 October 2016 by Ivan.chen (talk | contribs)
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This Simulator parse wisesnail directory and convert parse result to WiseSnail packet, then send to MQTT broker.

Download source code and install required modules

1. Install nodejs:

2. Checkout SVN source code:

3. Enter the directroy WiseSnail_simulator and use npm tool to install mqtt and keypress modules.

$ cd  ./WiseSnail_simulator
$ npm install mqtt --save
$ npm install keypress -- save

Folder/File mapping introduction

1. In source code WiseSnail_simulator directory, you can find wisesnail

2. This Simulator parse wisesnail directory and convert parse result to WiseSnail packet, then send to MQTT broker.

3. Below is folder/file mapping introduction

  • Folder/File naming rule is using prefix VGW_ or CONN_ or SENSORHUB_ + device MAC address


  • read data files in sensor hub folder to show sensor data.

20161012 nodejs wisesnail 1.png

How to test

1. add device by adding folder and files.(or you can use default folder wisesnail)

2. modify MQTT broker address in mqtt_server.conf

3. Launch Simulator, then check RMM server.

$node wisesnail.js

4. Ctrl+C to disconnect device from RMM server