
Revision as of 04:54, 11 March 2016 by Winston (talk | contribs) (Advantech CoAP-like Packet Structure)
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Advantech CoAP-like Packet Structure

CoAP-like Packet Format

Header Size: 8 Bytes
Payload Size: 0 ~ 70 (Max) Bytes

CoAP-like Header

Name Size ( bits )
Ver 2
Type (T) 2
TKL: Token Length 4
Code 8
Message ID 16
Length 32

Type (T) : 2-bit unsigned integer Transaction Type field. Indicates if this message is

  • Confirmable (0): Some messages require an acknowledgment
  • Non-Confirmable (1): Some other messages do not require an acknowledgment
  • Acknowledgment (2): An Acknowledgment message acknowledges that a specific Confirmable message (identified by its Transaction ID) arrived
  • Reset (3): A Reset message indicates that a specific Confirmable message was received, but some context is missing to properly process it. This condition is usually caused when
the receiving node has rebooted and has forgotten some state that would be required to interpret the message

Code : : 8-bit unsigned integer

  • GET(0.01): 1
  • PUT(0.03): 3


  • Change(2.04): 68
  • Content(2.05): 69
  • Bad Request(4.00): 128
  • Unauthorized(4.01): 129
  • Not Found(4.04): 132
  • Method Not Allowed(4.05): 133
  • Not Implemented(5.01): 161

IPSO for CoAP-like

IPSO RESTful API Rule: /{Object ID}/{Object Instance}/{Resource ID}/

IPSO Smart Object ID

Sensor Object ID
Temperature 3303
Humidity 3304
Magnetic 3314
Accelerometer 3313
Light Sensor 3301
Digital Output 3201
Digital Input 3200
CO2 9001
CO 9002
Ultrasonic 9200

IPSO Smart Resource ID

Resource Object ID
DI Status 5500
DO Status 5550
Min Range Value 5603
Max Range Value 5604
Sensor Value 5700
Sensor Units 5701
X Value 5702
Y Value 5703
Z Value 5704
Compass Direction 5705

CoAP-like Command

Group Description
/dev/info Information of Sensor Hub
/net/info Information of Net Communication
/net/status Status of Network
/sen/info Information of Sensor
/sen/status Status of Sensors

Key Value Description Group Example
action list List detail information /sen/info, /dev/info, /net/info GET /sen/info?action=list
action observe Observe status /sen/status, /net/status GET /sen/status?action=observe&id=all
action cancel Cancel observe /sen/status, /net/status GET /sen/status?action=cancel&id=all
field id List all sensor id /sen/info GET /sen/info?action=list&field=id
field health Network health status /net/status GET /net/status?field=health
id all Get all sensor’s data /sen/info, /sen/status GET /sen/status?action=observe&id=all
id 0,1,2,3... Get one of sensor data /sen/info, /sen/status GET /sen/status?action=observe&id=0,1

CoAP-like Protocols

Get SenHub Device info

Get SenHub Net info

Get SenHub Sensor info

Get Detail Info of Sensor

Get Sensor Properties Info

Get Sensor Model Info