IoTGateway/BSP/Linux/Quark/Yocto LBV2 User Guide
Revision as of 11:05, 23 June 2016 by Winston.huang (talk | contribs) (→To copy files from the container's filesystem to local machine)
Yocto Linux BSP Ver.2 User Guide for Quark series
Getting Started
${BOARD_ID} : board ID
- e.g. ubc222 or ubc221
${IMAGE_PACK} : prebuilt image pack
- e.g. ubc222 or ubc221
${IMAGE_DIR} : the directory prebuilt image pack extracted to
- e.g. ~/U222LIV2011_quark_2016-01-29
${BSP_PACK} : BSP pack
- e.g.
${BSP_HOME} : the directory BSP pack extracted to
- e.g. ~/LBV2011/meta-clanton_v1.2.0
${BDIR} : build directory
- e.g. yocto_build
${SD_MOUNT} : mount point of SD card in Ubuntu
- e.g. /media/sdf1
${POKY} : Yocto poky version
- e.g. 1.7.2
debug console / serial console
- serial terminal program (e.g. minicom, putty, teraterm ...) that serial port is configured to 115200 8N1
terminal console
- terminal program (e.g. gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal ...)
To install Docker Engine on your platform
Please refer to Docker Installation Guide for details
To pull ubuntu 12.04 image from Docker Hub & run the image
$ docker pull advrisc/u12.04-quarklbv2
$ docker run --name quarkLBV2011 -it advrisc/u12.04-quarklbv2 /bin/bash
To copy BSP from local filesystem to the container
$ docker cp ${BSP_PACK} quarkLBV2011:/home/adv/
To copy files from the container's filesystem to local machine
$ docker cp quarkLBV2011:/home/adv/${BSP_HOME}/yocto_build/tmp/deploy/images/quark ~
Introducing BSP
- The BSP is based on Yocto Project with Intel enhanced features for Quark, plus specific target board features from Advantech Inc..
Naming Rule
- The tarball/prebuilt image name is consist of the model name followed by "LB" or "LI" plus version number and released date.
- For example, which "U222" stands for UBC-222, "LB" is acronym of Linux BSP, "V2011" stands for Version 2.011.
- For example, which "LI" is acronym for prebuilt Linux Image.
BSP pack
- Unpack BSP pack to home directory by performing the following command:
$ unzip ${BSP_PACK} -d ~/
- The description of some important folders list below:
- ${BSP_HOME}/
- meta-advantech/ : meta layer by Advantech
- meta-intel-*/ : meta layer by Intel
- : to setup one new build environment
- oe-init-build-env : to initiate build environment
- ${BSP_HOME}/
Prebuilt image pack
- Perform the following command to unpack prebuilt-image-pack to home directory
$ unzip ${PREBUILT_IMAGE_PACK} -d ~/
- Prepare one FAT32 formatted SD card, and mount it to mount point
$ cp -a ${PREBUILT_IMAGE_DIR}/sdcard/* ${SD_MOUNT}/
Build Instructions
To create one new build environment
- Perform the following commands in terminal console
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}
$ ./
$ BOARD=${BOARD_ID} source ./oe-init-build-env ${BDIR}
To continue an exist build environment
- Perform the following commands in terminal console
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}
$ BOARD=${BOARD_ID} source ./oe-init-build-env
To build all image files
- To create/continue a build environment
- Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake image-full
- The following files will be located in directory "./tmp/deploy/images/quark" while building process finished successfully.
- boot/grub/grub.conf
- bzImage
- core-image-minimal-initramfs-quark.cpio.gz
- grub.efi
- image-full-quark.ext3
To build toolchain installer
- To create/continue a build environment
- Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake image-full -c populate_sdk
- The installer, iot-devkit-glibc-x86_64-image-full-i586-toolchain-${POKY}.sh, will be located in the directory "./tmp/deploy/sdk".</code>
To build grub individually
- To create/continue a build environment
- Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake grub
- The file, grub.efi, will be located in directory, ./tmp/deploy/images/quark.
To build linux kernel individually
- To create/continue a build environment
- Perform the following command in terminal console
- to show up menuconfig
$ bitbake linux-yocto-quark -c menuconfig
- to do build
$ bitbake linux-yocto-quark
- to show up menuconfig
- The file, bzImage, will be located in directory, ./tmp/deploy/images/quark.
To build initramfs individually
- To create/continue a build environment
- Perform the following command in terminal console
$ bitbake core-image-minimal-initramfs
- The file, core-image-minimal-initramfs-quark.cpio.gz, will be located in directory, ./tmp/deploy/images/quark.
Setting up SDK
- Please follow the section,to build toolchain installer, to build one toolchain installer first.
- Perform the following command in terminal console
$ cd ${BSP_HOME}/BDIR}/tmp/deploy/sdk
$ sudo ./iot-devkit-glibc-x86_64-image-full-i586-toolchain-${POKY}.sh
- Enter directory or press Enter while following question shows up:
- Enter target directory for SDK (default: /opt/iot-devkit/1.7.2):
- Just press Enter while following question shows up:
- You are about to install the SDK to "/opt/iot-devkit/1.7.2". Proceed[Y/n]?
- While following message shows up means the SDK is ready.
Extracting SDK...done Setting it up...done SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Setting up cross compiling environment
- SDK has been set up (ref. Setting up SDK)
- Perform the following command in terminal console
$ source /opt/iot-devkit/${POKY}/environment-setup-i586-poky-linux