
Revision as of 10:54, 7 April 2016 by Winston (talk | contribs) (Abstract)
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Date Version Description / Major change
2015/3/30 1.1 Eric Liang, create draft document
2015/10/08 1.2 Eric Liang, add Get/Set API


This document defines these Advantech Sensor Network Manager APIs and Sensor Data Format for using in Advantech wireless sensor network device.



This document describes how to use the Advantech Sensor Network Manager (Adv SNM) module to get/set IoT sensor network information, data, or status for your sensor device.
The Advantech sensor data format is refer to IPSO Alliance Guide[1]. Use Sensor Markup Language (SENML)[3] defines media types for representing sensor measurements and device parameters in the SenML. Representations are defined in JavaScript Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Object Notation (JSON)[5].
It includes get IoT gateway interface capability, get/set sensor hub information / sensor data, auto register / deregister sensor network hub, and auto report sensor data.


This specification makes use of the following additional terminology:

IoT Gateway (IoTGW): It integrates technologies and protocols for networking, embedded control, enterprise-grade security, and easy manageability on which application-specific software can run. Connectivity up to the WISE Cloud and down to sensors and existing controllers embedded in the system. Pre-process filtering and gathering of selected data for delivery.

Sensor Hub (SenHub): A sensor hub is capable of performing some processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with other connected hubs in the network. A sensor hub should be small in size, consume extremely low energy, operate in high volumetric densities, be autonomous and operate unattended, and be adaptive to the environment. As sensor hubs are typically very small electronic devices, they can only be equipped with a limited power source.

Sensor (Sen): Sensor is hardware device that produce a measurable response to a change in a physical condition like temperature or pressure. Sensor measures physical data of the parameter to be monitored.

Resource Type(rt): Each root resource of a function set is assigned a Resource Type parameter, therefore making it possible to discover it. The Resource Type parameter defines the value that MUST be included in the rt= field of the sensor.

IPSO Application Framework

The IPSO Application Framework makes use of IETF standards as building blocks for a simple and efficient RESTful design model for IP smart objects. The framework may be used over either HTTP or CoAP web transfer protocols.

HTTP, REST, XML, JSON, COAP and other key components of web technology are powerful mechanisms in an Internet of Things application.

Note: The objective of the Alliance is not to define technologies, but to document the use of IP-based technologies defined at the standard organizations such as IETF with focus on support by the Alliance of various use cases.

Function Sets: The framework is organized into groups of resource types called Function Sets. A Function Set has a recommended root path, under which its sub-resources are organized. Each Function Set is assigned a Resource Type parameter, therefore making it possible to discover it.

Function Set Root Path Resource Type
General Purpose IO /gpio gpio
Power /pwr pwr
Load Control /load load
Sensors /sen sen
Light Control /lt lt
Message /msg msg
Location /loc loc
Configuration /cfg cfg

IPSO Smart Object

IPSO Smart Object[2] Guidelines provide a common design pattern, an object model, that can effectively use the IETF CoAP protocol to provide high level interoperability between Smart Object devices and connected software applications on other devices and services
The common object model is based on the Lightweight M2M (LWM2M 1.0) specification from the Open Mobile Alliance. OMA LWM2M is a device management and service architecture specification based on IETF CoAP, and provides a simple and flexible object template (object model) for constrained device management.

The object model from OMA LWM2M is reused to define application level IPSO Smart Objects. This enables the OMA Name Authority (OMNA) to be used to register new objects, and enables existing LWM2M compliant device libraries and server software to be used as an infrastructure for IPSO Smart Objects

This first IPSO Smart Object Guideline describes 18 Smart Object types [Appendix A], including a temperature sensor, a light controller, an accelerometer, a presence sensor, and other common sensor and actuator types representing a variety of use case domains. It is intended as a ?tarter pack??and example of how IPSO Smart Objects can be built to address some application specific use cases

Media Types for Sensor Markup Language (SENML)


SenML JSON Type Description
Base Name bn String This is a string that is prepended to the names found in the entries
Base Time bt Integer A base time that is added to the time found in an entry
Base Units bu String A base unit that is assumed for all entries, unless otherwise indicated
Version ver Number Version number of media type format
Measurement or Parameters e Array Array of values for sensor measurements or other generic parameters
Name n String Name of the sensor or parameter
Units u String Units for a measurement value
Value v Float Value of the entry
String Value sv String
Boolean Value bv Boolean
Value Sum s Float Integrated sum of the values over time
Time t Integer Time when value was recorded
Update Time ut Integer Update time. A time in seconds that represents the maximum time before this sensor will provide an updated reading for a measurement.

The Data Type of Sensor Data Type

Data Type (type) SenML Field
b (boolean) bv
s (string) s
e (enum) e
i (integer) v
d (decimal) v
h(hexadecimal) s
o(octet-stream) s

Advantech Sensor Semantics

SenML JSON Type Description
Min Range Value min Float The minimum value that can be measured by the sensor
Max Range Value max Float The maximum value that can be measured by the sensor
Access Mode asm String The access mode of the resource. Ex: read (r), write (w), read/write (rw)
Standard Format st String The sensor format is which standard format
Health Status Health Integer The health status of network or device. Range: -1 ~ 100

Good: > 80, Average: 60 ~ 80, Below Average: 40~60, Bad:0~40, -1: Off line or Fault


{"n":"Room Temp","u":"Cel","v":0,"min":0,"max":100,"asm":"r","type":"d","rt":"ucum.Cel","st":"ipso","exten":"sid=3303"}

Application Program Interface (API)

Event of Callback

typedef enum {
 // Interface: 1000 ~ 1999
 SN_Inf_UpdateInterface_Data   = 1000, // Update Interface data
 // Sensor Hub: 2000 ~ 2999
 SN_SenHub_Register         = 2000, // A SenHub connected
 SN_SenHub_SendInfoSpec     = 2001, // Report the resource information of SenHub
 SN_SenHub_AutoReportData   = 2002, // Auto report data value of SenHub
 SN_SenHub_Disconnect       = 2003, // A SenHub disconnected  
 SN_SetResult	             = 3000, // Return the result of setting value

Command ID

typedef enum {
SN_Set_ReportSNManagerDataCbf = 3000, // Set Event Callback function point  

Return Code Definition

typedef enum {
SN_ER_NOT_IMPLEMENT = -13,      // Dose Not Support this command (501)
SN_ER_TIMEOUT  = -12            // Request Timeout  (408)
SN_ER_SYS_BUSY  = -11           // System is busy (503) 
SN_ER_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = -10  // Value is out of range (416)
SN_ER_SYNTAX_ERROR = -9         // Format is correct but syntax error (422)
SN_ER_FORMAT_ERROR = -8         // Format error (415) =
SN_ER_REQUEST_ERROR = -7        // Request error (400)
SN_ER_RESOURCE_LOSE  = -6       // Resource is lose (410)
SN_ER_RESOURCE_LOCKED = -5,     // Resource is in setting (426)
SN_ER_NOT_FOUND = -4,           // Resource Not Found (404)
SN_ER_WRITE_ONLY = -3,          // Write Only (405) 
SN_ER_READ_ONLY = -2,           // Read Only (405)
SN_ER_FAILED = -1,              // Failed (500)</div>
SN_OK = 0,                      // Successfully (200)</div>
SN_INITILIZED = 1,              // Library had initilized</div>

Structure Definition

typedef struct _SenHubInfo
 char sMAC[MAX_SN_MAC];               // MAC: remove '-' and ':'
 char sHostName[MAX_SN_HOSTNAME];     // WISE1020-MAC(4)
 char sSN[MAX_SN_SNO];                // MAC: remove '-' and ':'
 char sProduct[MAX_SN_PRODUCT_NAME];  // WISE1020
 void *pExtened;                      // Reserve for extension

Sensor Network Manager API Definition


SNMCODE SN_Manager_Initialize( );


This function initializes the Sensor Network Manager API Library. You must call this function before using this module.



Return Values

SNM__OK: Successfully to initialize the Sensor Network Manager module.

SNM_FAILED: Failed to initialize the Sensor Network Manager module.


SNMCODE SN_Manager_Uninitialize();


This function uninitialized the Sensor Network Manager Module. You must call this function before closing this module to release resources.



Return Values

SNM__OK: STemplate:Anchor Template:Anchor uccessfully to uninitialized Template:Anchor Template:Anchor the Sensor Network Manager module.
SNM_FAILED : Failed to uninitialized the Sensor Network Manager module.


SNMCODE SN_Manager_GetCapability(char ** ppzDataBuffer, int *pnLen );


This function is used to get all interfaces information of this IoT Gateway in JSON Format.


[out] Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor the Template:Anchor Template:Anchor point to the Sensor Network Interfaces??information data with JSON format


[out] the length of the data in ppzDataBuffer

Return Values

SNM__OK: Get the IoTGW interface information Template:Anchor Template:Anchor successfully.
SNM_FAILED: Failed to get IoTGW interface information.

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Example:


Communication Type: WSN
Number of WSN Interface: 2
Name of Interfaces: WSN0, WSN1
MAC of Interfaces: 0000852CF4B7B0E8, 0000852CF4B7B0E7

"IoTGW": {

"WSN": {

"WSN0": {

"Info": {

"e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"","asm":"r"},







"WSN1": {

"Info": {

"e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"","asm":"r"},









"ver": 1



SNMCODE SN_Manager_ActionProc( const int nCtlId,

void *Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor pParam1,
void *pParam2,
void *pRev1,
void *pRev2 );


This function is used to set callback function or others parameters depended on nCtlId.


[in] control id. Refer to SN_CTL_ID

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor *Template:Anchor Template:Anchor pParam1

[in] the point to parameter 1 ( data type depend on SN_CTL_ID)


[in] the point to parameter 2 ( data type depend on SN_CTL_ID)


[in] Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor reserved for later use. Must be ?ULL??


[in] reserved for later use. Must be ?ULL??

Return Values

SNM__OK: Successfully Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor to call this function.
>0 : Failed to call this function.


nCtlId: SN_Set_ReportSNManagerDataCbf

*pParam1: Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor ReportSNManagerDataCbf

the ReportSNManagerDataCbf that specify the callback function to be used to notify event.


typedef int (*Template:Anchor Template:Anchor ReportSNManagerDataCbf) ( const int Template:Anchor nEventID,

const char *pzDataBuffer,
const int nDataLen,
void **Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor ppOutParam,
void *Template:Anchor Template:Anchor pParam1,
void *pRev1 );


This function is used to receive events that trigger by Sensor Network Manager module. (ex: A New SenHub Connected/Disconnected/Auto Report Sensor Data/Auto Report Interface Data).


[in] event id. Refer to SN_EVENT_ID

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor *Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor pzDataBuffer

[in] the point to data with JSON format

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor nDataLen

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor [in] the length of the data in pzDataBuffer

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor **Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor ppOutParam

[out] Template:Anchor User can Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor specify the address or context value when ?{anchor|OLELINK220}} Template:Anchor Template:Anchor SN_SenHub_Register??event called,

It would be sent back when callback function gets called with this SenHub?
events (SN_SenHub_SendInfoSpec, SN_SenHub_AutoReportData,

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor *Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor pParam1

[in] the point of data. The data type depends on ?N Event ID??


[in] reserved for later use.

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Return Values

SNM__OK: Process the callback event successfully.
SNM_FAILED: Failed to process the callback event

Example of Event Code:

  1. SN_Inf_UpdateInterface_Data:

Communication Type: WSN
Name of Interface: WSN0
MAC of Interface: 0000852CF4B7B0E8
Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Sensor Hubs connected: 0000000EC6F0F830 ,0000000EC6F0F831
Network Health Status: 60
Neighbor: 0000000EC6F0F830

pzDataBuffer : Update Interface Data

"IoTGW": {

"WSN": {


"Info": {

"e": [{"n":"SenHubList","sv":"Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor 0000000EC6F0F830 ,0000000EC6F0F831"},








"ver": 1

# SN_SenHub_Register

Sensor Hub: 0000000EC6F0F830
Name of Sensor Hub: Room

[in] Empty char buffer point
[out] the point that storage the user specify address or context value.
[in] the point of data structure. ??span style="color:#ff0000;">SenHubInfo</span>??/div>

  1. SN_SenHub_SendInfoSpec:

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Condition
Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Sensor Hub: 0000000EC6F0F830
Name of Sensor Hub: Room
Sensors of SenHub: temp1, co2, digital output

pzDataBuffer : Send SenHub Information



"SenData": {

"e": [{"n":" temp1", "u":"Cel","v":0,"min":0,"max":100,"asm":"r","type":"d","rt":"ucum.Cel","st":"ipso","exten":""},

{"n":"digital output", "u":"","bv":0,"asm":"rw","type":"b","rt":"gpio.dout","st":"ipso","exten":""}],



"Info": {

"e": [ {"n":"Name","sv":"Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Room","asm":"rw"},






"e": [ {"n":"Neighbor","sv":"0000000EC6F0F831","asm":"r"},





"ver": 1



Template:Anchor Template:Anchor ppOutParam:

[in] the point of address or context value that pass by user at SN_SenHub_Register event.

  1. SN_SenHub_AutoReportData

Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor
Sensor Hub: 0000000EC6F0F830
Name of Sensor Hub: Room
Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Sensors of SenHub: temp1 (v:17), co2(v:1001), digital output(bv:0)

pzDataBuffer : Update SenHub Data



"SenData": {

"e": [{"n":"temp1","v":17},

{"n":"co2", "v":1001},

{"n":"digital output", "bv":0}],




"Info": {

"e": [{"n":"Health","v":100,"asm":"r"},




"ver": 1




[in] the point of address or context value that pass by user at SN_SenHub_Register event.

# SN_SenHub_Disconnect

Sensor Hub: 0000000EC6F0F830
pzDataBuffer : Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Template:Anchor Empty char buffer point
[in] the point of address or context value that pass by user at SN_SenHub_Register event.


char* SN_Manager_GetData(const char *pszInURI, const ACTION_MODE mode);


This function is used to get values of resource of sensor network manager

( ex: network interface, sensor hub, or sensor ).


[in] uri path of resource.
SenHub: SenHub? UID/bn/bn/n or SenHub? UUID/bn/bn
Interface: bn/bn/Interface? MAC/bn/n
[in] mode of getting ( cache or direct mode)

Return Values

{?tatusCode??200, ?esult??{JSON Object}}

StatusCode : Please refer [Appendix C] for status code.

Result : Result of getting in JSON format


Get the SenHub (0000000EC6F0F830)? temp1 value

pzInURI: 0000000EC6F0F830/SenHub/SenData/temp1 mode: cache


{?tatusCode??200, ?esult?? {"n":"temp1","v":17}}


char* SN_Manager_SetData(const char *pszInURI, const char *pszValue );


This function is used to get value of resource of sensor network manager in asynchronous.

( ex: network interface, sensor hub, or sensor ). This function would check the set resource and value is correct and settable. If all parameters are correct and returns accept this request immediately. Then it will set value to resource and return the result in asynchronous.


[in] path of resource. (Note: Need to specify to ???resource not ?n??)
[in] the set value in JSON format

Return Values

{?tatusCode??200, ?esult??{JSON Object}}

StatusCode : Please refer [Appendix C] for status code.

Result : Result of setting in JSON format

2.5 Application Sample Code

Please refer to the distribution package for the sample code.


Appendix A:Smart Objects defined by this Technical Guideline

Object Object ID Multiple Instances?
IPSO Digital Input 3200 Yes
IPSO Digital Output 3201 Yes
IPSO Analogue Input 3202 Yes
IPSO Analogue Output 3203 Yes
IPSO Generic Sensor 3300 Yes
IPSO Illuminance Sensor 3301 Yes
IPSO Presence Sensor 3302 Yes
IPSO Temperature Sensor 3303 Yes
IPSO Humidity Sensor 3304 Yes
IPSO Power Measurement 3305 Yes
IPSO Actuation 3306 Yes
IPSO Set Point 3308 Yes
IPSO Load Control 3310 Yes
IPSO Light Control 3311 Yes
IPSO Accelerometer 3313 Yes
IPSO Magnetometer 3314 Yes
IPSO Barometer 3315 Yes
Table 1

Appendix B: The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)

Symbol Description
m meter
kg kilogram
s second
A ampere
K kelvin
cd candela
mol mole
Hz hertz
rad radian
sr steradian
N newton
Pa pascal
J joule
W watt
C coulomb
V volt
F farad
Ohm ohm
S siemens
Wb weber
T tesla
H henry
Cel degrees Celsius
lm lumen
lx lux
Bq becquerel
Gy gray
Sv sievert
kat katal
pH pH acidity
% Value of a switch. A value of 0.0 indicates the switch is off while 100.0 indicates on.
count counter value
%RH Relative Humidity
m2 area
l volume in liters
m/s velocity
m/s2 acceleration
l/s flow rate in liters per second
W/m2 irradiance
cd/m2 luminance
Bspl bel sound pressure level
bit/s bits per second
lat degrees latitude. Assumed to be in WGS84 unless another reference frame is known for the sensor.
lon degrees longitude. Assumed to be in WGS84 unless another reference frame is known for the sensor.
 %EL remaining battery energy level in percents
EL remaining battery energy level in seconds
beet/m Heart rate in beets per minute
beets Cumulative number of heart beats
h Hour.
Table 2

Appendix C: Status Code

Status Code Description
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Resource is Gone
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
426 Locked
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
503 Service Unavailable
Table 3


[1] IPSO Alliance:

[2] IPSO Smart Object: IPSO-Smart-Objects-1.0.pdf

[3] SenML:

[4] UCUM:

[5] JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)