RK ALL Qt Toolchain

Revision as of 06:34, 13 September 2023 by Yunjin.jiang (talk | contribs)
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Qt has many versions, and may run on defferent OSs.But the toolchain we provide can fit them well.

It has the following advantages:

  • The compilation environment is consistent with runtime environment.
  • Good compatibility.
  • Good extensibility.

So the application compiled by the toolchain can run perfectly on our products. And the toolchain can be used on Debian or Ubuntu Desktop Operating System well.

If you meet any problems, please do not hesitate to contact Advantech for help.


Debian10(buster) is highly recommended OS to develop.

Installing required packages

Please login and perform the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential 
$ sudo apt-get install -y qtcreator 
$ sudo apt-get install -y qt5-default 
$ sudo apt-get install -y qt5-doc 
$ sudo apt-get install -y qt5-doc-html qtbase5-doc-html 
$ sudo apt-get install -y qtbase5-examples 
$ sudo apt-get install -y qt5-qmake 
$ sudo apt-get install -y rsync
$ sudo apt-get install -y gcc-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf
$ sudo apt-get install -y gcc-8-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-8-aarch64-linux-gnu

Link arm-linux-gnu*-8 to arm-linux-gnu* and aarch64-linux-gnu*-8 to aarch64-linux-gnu*:

$ sudo su
$ cd /usr/bin
$ for f in $(ls arm-linux-gnu*-8);do ln -sf $f $(echo $f|sed "s/-8//");done 
$ for f in $(ls aarch64-linux-gnu*-8);do ln -sf $f $(echo $f|sed "s/-8//");done
$ exit


Installing cross toolchain

Please download RK3288(Password: gm9i) 、 RK3399(Password: 0kkn) and RK3568(Password: a887)cross compiler toolchain first. Then execute the following command to unzip the cross compiler tool to the /opt directory

For RK3288

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3288/
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3288/
$ sudo tar -zxf rk3288_toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3_*.tar.gz -C /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3288/

For RK3399

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3399/ 
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3399/ 
$ sudo tar -zxvf rk3399_toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3_*.tar.gz -C /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3399/

For RK3568

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3568/
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3568/
$ sudo tar -zxf rk3568_toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3_*.tar.gz -C /opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/rk3568/

Working within QtCreator

Use qtcreator to configure a complete build kit.

RK3568 & RK3399 & RK3288

Config QtCreator ---- Qt Versions

1. Select Tools --> options --> 


2. Select Qt versions --> Manual -->Add -->

    Path:/opt/toolchain_Qt_V5.11.3/RK3568 or RK3399 or RK3288/sysroot/qmake



Config QtCreator ---- Qt Complers

1. Select compilers -->

2. Because Gcc and G++ has been installed earlier, the compiler will generally detect it automatically.

    If no Auto-detected, just Add it.

Path forRK3568 (64):/usr/bin/arrch64-linux-gnu-gcc         



Path forRK3399 (64):/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc



Path forRK3288(32):/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc


The following figure uses rk3568  as an example :


Config QtCreator ---- Qt Debuggers

1. Select Debuggers -->

2. The Debuggers selection system buildin,If no Auto-detected , just Add it:

    Path: /usr/bin/gdb


Config QtCreator ---- Qt Cmakes

1. Select Cmake -->

2. Similarly,Cmake also uses the system Cmake , if no Auto-detected , just Add it :

    Path: /usr/bin/Cmake


Config QtCreator ---- Qt kits

1. Select Kits 

2. Configure "Qt version"、"Compilers"、"Debuggers" and "Cmake" configurations in Kits.

     The picture below uses rk3568 as an example:



Creating the Project

  1. Bring up "New" dailog using "File" -> "New File or Project..."
  2. Select "Applications" -> 'Qt Widgets Application"
  3. Click "Choose..."
  4. Use "Hello" as name
  5. Create in "/mnt/sda1/work/qt/qt_PJ"
  6. Click "Next"
  7. Check "RK toolchain"
  8. Click "Next".
  9. Use default settings for "Class Information"
  10. Click "Next"
  11. Use default settings for "Project Management"
  12. Click "Finish"
  13. Double click "Hello.pro" to switch to editor window
  14. In new project it is necessary to add following two lines into qt project file.
    target.path = .
    INSTALLS += target
  15. Press "Ctrl+S" to save file.
  16. Double click "mainwindow.ui" to switch to Design mode
  17. Drag & drop one Label widget on main form, use property editor on the right side to change text and font size
  18. Save all project files using "File" -> "Save All"

Building the Project

  1. Switch to "Projects" mode
  2. Check if "build configuration" is set to "Debug".
  3. Check if "Files to deploy" is correct
  4. Set environment variable DISPLAY in QtCreator -> Projects -> Run -> Run Environment. The value of DISPLAY is obtained from the rk3399. For example, execute instruction echo $DISPLAY on RK3399.
  5. Switch to "Edit" mode
  6. Click "Build" using context menu of project "Hello"
  7. The green "Build" bar means no error occured.
  8. Press "Alt+4" to show "Compile Output". RTENOTITLE

Deploying the Application

  1. Click "Deploy" using context menu of project HelloRTENOTITLE
  2. The green "Deploy" bar indicates no error occured.RTENOTITLE

Debugging the Application

  1. Click debug icon to start debugging.
  2. Press "Alt+3" to show "Application Output"RTENOTITLE
  3. The "Hello" shows up on primary display.
  4. Click "stop" to stop debugging.
  5. The default desktop returns back.RTENOTITLE