Advantech implements some Node-RED nodes for better development experience.
Node-RED for Alljoyn
We plan to provide three kinds of Node-RED nodes for Alljoyn feature.
- Action Handler
- Event Reader & Rule Engine
- ControlPanel Client
You can install the node-red-contrib-alljoyn via NPM, or download it on GitHub.
Please refer to README.
Node-RED for WSN
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is supported on Advantech WISE-3310 and all provided features are basically described by REST API respectively. For users to quickly access the WSN features and build the prototype control logic flow of application before knowing the detailed REST API manipulation and programming, We provide the following Node-Red nodes to easily read the information and access functions of WSN on Advantech WISE-3310.
- wsn-gw
- wsn-senhub