IoTGateway/BSP/Linux/iMX6/Eclipse Plug-in

Revision as of 04:21, 10 March 2016 by Winston.huang (talk | contribs) (Creating the Project)
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Yocto User Guide - Eclipse Plug-in for iMX6 series


Installing cross toolchain

Please use bitbake command to build one toolchain installer or get a pre-built one.


Please perform following command to make toolchain installer.

$ bitbake fsl-image-x11 -c populate-sdk

Please change working directory to where installer located and perform the following command.

$ sudo ./


Please perform following command to make toolchain installer.

$ bitbake fsl-image-x11-qt5 -c populate-sdk

Please change working directory to where installer located and perform the following command.

$ sudo ./

Working with Eclipse

Installing the Eclipse IDE

Please download "eclipse-standard-kepler-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz" manually, put it to directory ~/FILES/ and perform the following commands:

$ cd ~/
$ tar xvf ~/FILES/eclipse-standard-kepler-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

Starting the Eclipse IDE

$ source /opt/poky/1.5.3/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi
$ ~/eclipse/eclipse
  1. select your workspace location
    2015-02-06 114519.png
  2. Make sure you are in your Workbench and select "Install New Software" from the "Help" pull-down menu.
    2015-03-10 101130.png
  3. Select "Kepler -" from the "Work with:" pull-down menu.
    2015-02-10 140503.png
  4. Expand the box next to "Linux Tools" and select the LTTng - Linux Tracing Toolkit boxes.
    2015-01-27 152608.png
  5. Expand the box next to "Mobile and Device Development" and select the following boxes:
    2015-01-27 152635.png
    2015-02-10 141921.png
  6. Expand the box next to "Programming Languages" and select the following boxes:
    2015-01-27 152817.png
  7. Complete the installation and restart the Eclipse IDE.
    2015-01-27 153323.png

Installing the Pre-built Plug-in

  1. Start up the Eclipse IDE.
  2. In Eclipse, select "Install New Software" from the "Help" menu.
  3. Click "Add..." in the "Work with:" area.
  4. Enter "" in the URL field and provide a meaningful name in the "Name" field.
    2015-01-27 155542.png
  5. Click "OK" to have the entry added to the "Work with:" drop-down list.
  6. Check the boxes next to following items:
    2015-01-27 160318.png
  7. Complete the remaining software installation steps and then restart the Eclipse IDE to finish the installation of the plug-in.
    2015-01-27 161306.png
  8. Click OK to continue when following dialog shows up.
    2015-01-27 161455.png

Configuring the Cross-Compiler Options

  1. Choose "Preferences" from the "Windows" menu to display the Preferences dialog.
  2. Click "Yocto Project ADT"
  3. Specify corret "Toolchain Root Location" & "Sysroot Location".

Creating the Project

  1. Select "Project" from the "File -> New" menu.
  2. Expand "C/C++".
  3. Double click "C Project" to create the project.
  4. Expand "Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project".
  5. Select "Hello World ANSI C Autotools Project".
  6. Put a name in the "Project name:" field. Do not use hyphens as part of the name.
  7. Click "Next".
  8. Add information in the Author and Copyright notice fields.
  9. Be sure the License field is correct.
  10. Click "Finish".
  11. If the "open perspective" prompt appears, click "Yes" to open the C/C++ perspective.
  12. The left-hand navigation pane shows your project. You can display your source by double clicking the project's source file.

Building the Project

Deploying and Running the Application

Deploying and Debugging the Application


  1. 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
  2. Java Archive - SE 6
  3. Project Development Manual
  4. Kepler R Packages