Edge Debug

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Collection Information

Part1: Cloud

Q: WISE-PaaS url?
Ans: (ex: https://portal-rmm-develop.wise-paas.com/)

Q: WISE-PaaS Version?
Ans: (ex: Version 1.0.98)

Part2: Gateway/Edge

Q: OS platform ? OS Version? 32bit/64bit?
Ans: (ex: Windows 10 64bit)

Q: WISE-Agent Version?
Ans: (ex: WISEAgent V1.2.3)

Q: What agent plug-in are using?
Ans: (ex: ODBC, Modbus)

Part3: Describe question?

Part4: Log

WISE-Agent log is located in xxx

WISE-Agent plug-in log is located in xxx


Network or WISE-PaaS connection issue

  1. Ping WISE-PaaS to check if network is normal
  2. Use Self-Test