
Revision as of 05:29, 4 July 2016 by Winston (talk | contribs) (Client Site)
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AdvHeartBeat Protocol

AdvHeartBeat Topic & Payload

Type: Response
Direction: Agent -> Server 
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/notify
QoS: 0
Retained: 0
Payload: ~ 35 character

Client Site

Agent needs send "AdvHeartBeat" message ( refer to AdvHeartBeat Topic & Payload ) by period as below picture.

AdvHeartBeat Protocol

Server Site

  1. Server updates latest update time after receiving a AdvHeartBeat message with its AdvHeartBeat Table( NoSQL ).
  2. Server need to check update time from AdvHeartBeat Table only.
  3. If the latest update time is over timeout ( Note: This value is depend on Server. Recommend: 3 x send rate => 3 x 60 = 180 sec => tolerate drop 2 AdvHeartBeat MSG ).
    1. If it is timeout & status is connected => then change status to disconnect & send a "Re-Connect" message to this device
  4. If server check there is latest AdvHeartBeat message in table but there are not device information in device list table ( SQL ).
    1. Server sends a re-connect message to this device.
    2. Server needs to send "Get Capability" message to client after receiving a connect info message. Agent will send all handlers' capability to server.

Re-Connect Message

If Server aware any problem of a device's status/information. Server will send a re-connect message to Agent. Agent will send a connect info to Server after receiving a re-connect message. You can refer below for detail.

AdvHeartBeat Protocol

Type: Request
Direction: Server -> Agent 
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentcallbackreq
QoS: 0
Retained: 0
   "susiCommData": {
      "commCmd": 125,
      "handlerName": "general",
      "response": {
          "statuscode": 4,
          "msg": "Reconnect"
Type: Response
Direction: Agent -> Server
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentinfoack
QoS: 0
Retained: 0
  "susiCommData": {

Get Capability

Type: Request
Direction: Server -> Agent 
Topic: /cagent/admin/<agentID>/agentcallbackreq
QoS: 0
Retained: 0
   "susiCommData": {
      "catalogID": 4,
Type: Response
Direction: Agent -> Server
Topic: /cagent/admin/<agentID>/agentactionreq
QoS: 0
Retained: 0
Payload: ( ex: HWM )
   "susiCommData": {
       "infoSpec": {
           "HWM": {
               "e": [
                   {"n": "v01","type": "volt","u": "V","max": 20,"min": 10},
                   {"n": "v02","type": "volt","u": "V","max": 20,"min": 10},
                   {"n": "t01","type": "temp","u": "Cel","max": 100,"min": 10},
                   {"n": "V143360","type": "current","u": "A","max": 100,"min": 10}
               "bn": "HWM"
           "requestID": 2001,
           "commCmd": 2052,
           "catalogID": 4,
           "agentID": "000014DAE996BE04",
           "sendTS": 1417000000004,
           "handlerName": "general"

Parameters of "AdvHeartBeat Protocol"

Sending Rate

    Unit: second
 Default: 60 
   Range: 1 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF
         -1 => Agent doesn't send "AdvHeartBeat" message

Query parameters of "AdvHeartBeat"

Type: Request
Direction: Server -> Agent
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentcallbackreq
  "susiCommData": {
       "commCmd": 127,
       "handlerName": "general",
       "sessionID": "123465"
Type: Response
Direction: Agent -> Server 
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq
  "susiCommData": {
       "commCmd": 128,
       "handlerName": "general",
       "heartbeatrate": 60,
       "sessionID": "123465"

Change parameters of "AdvHeartBeat"

Type: Request
Direction: Server -> Agent	
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentcallbackreq
   "susiCommData": {
   	"commCmd": 129,
       "handlerName": "general",
       "heartbeatrate": 20,
       "sessionID": "123465"
Type: Response
Direction: Agent -> Server		
Topic: /cagent/admin/<devID>/agentactionreq		
   "susiCommData": {
       "commCmd": 130,
       "handlerName": "general",
       "result":"SUCCESS",  //or "FALSE"
       "sessionID": "123465"

How to confirm the Agent supports "AdvHeartBeat" protocol?

1. Check the version in deviceinfo

  Agent will support "AdvHeartBeat" in version "3.2".
          >= 3.2   : Agent supports AdvHeartBeat
          <  3.2   : Agent doesn't support AdvHeartBeat

2. Query the parameters of "AdvHeartBeat" by "Query parameters of "AdvHeartBeat"