SW Service/IoTCore

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Windows 10 IoT Core is a version of Windows 10 that is optimized for smaller devices with or without a display. For more detail information about IoTCore, refer to Learn about Windows 10 IoT Core

Hardware Reqirement

Component Reqirement
Processor 400 MHz or faster

(x86 requires PAE, NX and SSE2 support)

RAM 256 MB or more for Headless mode

512 MB or more for Headed mode

(More RAM may be required depending on resolution and video implementation)

Storage 2 GB or more

BIOS settings

Boot option filter [UEFI and Legacy]
Video [UEFI]
Boot option #1 [Windows Boot Manager]
Boot option #2 [Your disk]

Development Environment

Flash image

You can flash the IoTCore image into harddisk, USB disk or SD card.

For how to do this,

  1. Launch command prompt with Administrtor permission.
  2. Use diskpart to know which index number is the desired disk to flash image into. Beware that do not mistaken the index number!
  3. Execute command:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft IoT\dism\dism.exe" /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"{PATH_OF_IMAGE_FILE}" /ApplyDrive:\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE{INDEX_NUMBER_OF_DISK} /SkipPlatformCheck

* Note that {PATH_OF_IMAGE_FILE} is the path of the image file (*.ffu), and {INDEX_NUMBER_OF_DISK} is the index number of the disk that get in step 2.

App developement


Console app

App installation

There are 2 ways to do this, your device must have net accessibility.

Use script to install an app, app will be installed at next boot up: see here for detail
Use web management tool to install an app, app will be installed right away:
1. Connect to Windows Device Portal through your browser
2. Switch to the Apps page
3. Select the following files to deploy
*.appx or *.appxbundle to AppX
*.cer to Certificate
The files under the Dependencies folder, and other dependence to Dependencies
4. The message at bottom of the page will show the installing status; when it shows "Done", you should be able to find it in the list of installed app.

Headed/Headless mode

Windows IoT Core can be configured for either headed or headless mode. For more information, and how to switch the mode, refer to Headed/Headless mode.

headed mode
UI stack is available for fully interactive apps.
headless mode
The UI stack is disabled and apps are not interactive. This reduces the amount of system resources used. Devices that don’t need UI functionality can be set to headless mode.

System Management

PowerShell Connection

SSH Connection

Web management

Common command line utils

Sample code


Console app