EPC-R5710 Watchdog
Revision as of 09:31, 7 September 2023 by Xingxing.li (talk | contribs) (Created page with " === '''Watchdog''' === '''System will reboot after 1 sec''' <pre># /unit_tests/Watchdog/wdt_driver_test.out 1 2 0 ---- Running < /unit_tests/Watchdog/wdt_driver_test.out > t...")
System will reboot after 1 sec
# /unit_tests/Watchdog/wdt_driver_test.out 1 2 0 ---- Running < /unit_tests/Watchdog/wdt_driver_test.out > test ---- Starting wdt_driver (timeout: 1, sleep: 2, test: ioctl) Trying to set timeout value=1 seconds The actual timeout was set to 1 second Now reading back -- The timeout is 1 second