
Revision as of 05:12, 5 September 2016 by Fred.chang (talk | contribs) (Data)
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WiseSnail is the short name of Wise Sensor Network Abstract Interactive Layer. It is a layer to define the topology and behavior of sensor network. A complete device represented in WiseSnail includes one virtual gateway, one sensor connectivity interface and several sensor hubs. WiseSnail provides a form-like array which we call it infospec array to define tha parameters of sensor hub. And a form-like data array updates your real time data. So, you can easy to represent your device by creating several arrays.




The infospec structure defines your parameters in sensor hub. Those parameter structures will represented in Wise-Paas like a tag. this structure includes two callback functions. You can use the callbacks to define your own get and set function. The parameter button on Wise-Paas will different by whether the set function is defined or not. If the set function is defined, the value is writeable by users on Wise-Paas.

   struct WiseSnail_InfoSpec{
     WiseSnail_DataType type;
     char *name;
     char *unit;
     union {
       float value;
       char *string;
     float min;
     float max;
     char *resourcetype;
     WiseSnail_SetValue setValue;
     WiseSnail_GetValue getValue;
     WISE_VALUE,                  //WiseSnail_DataType 
     "Temperature",               //name
     "Cel",                       //unit
     0,                           //value or string
     -100,                        //min
     200,                         //max
     "ucum.Cel",                  //resourcetype, optional
     NULL,                        //set function
     NULL                         //get function



The data structure defines your value you want to update in sensor hub. the cliendId and info is for internal used and will be assigned while your callback function(like set) is called.

   struct WiseSnail_Data{
     WiseSnail_DataType type;
     char *name;
     union {
       float value;
       char *string;
     char *clientId;              //internal
     WiseSnail_InfoSpec *info;    //internal
     WISE_VALUE,                  //WiseSnail_DataType 
     "Temperature",               //name
     100                          //value or string