ROM-6881 Usering RKTool.
Revision as of 04:03, 29 November 2023 by (talk | contribs)
Step 1 List
a)准备一根Mirco USB和Debug Cable
b) 一个12V,3A的电源,给底板SOM-DB2510供电使能
Setp 2 架设环境如下:
Step 3 电脑鼠标双击瑞芯微开发工具V2.96应用程序
Step 4 Enter into MASKROM mode
a)Hardwart way to enter MASKROM.
底板SOM-DB2510 的SW4,拨号为:5->ON,其他为OFF,进入MaskROM后,将拨码5->OFF.
b) Software way to enter MASKROM.
When the device boot up to android or debian, you can use ADB or Debug console, send command "reboot loader" .
Or Press "ctrl + c" key when booting into uboot, until get the following information on debug console :
Android :
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 rkboot # <INTERRUPT> rkboot # loader
Debian :
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 rkboot # <INTERRUPT> rkboot # rbrom
Step 5 当核心板进入MASKROM模式后,再点击“执行”开始进行烧录