RSB-3810 user guide Android11

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產品介紹(Product introduction )

產品特性(Product Features)

  • MediaTek Genio 1200 4核心A78和4核心A55
  • 內建LPDDR4 8GB,4000MT/s記憶體
  • HDMI 4k60fps,1 x 雙通道24位元LVDS
  • 1 x 4線RS-232/422/485,2 x USB3.2 Gen1 By 1,2 x USB2.0,1 x Micro SD,1 x Mic. in / Line out
  • 1 x M.2 3052 Key B for 5G,1 x M.2 2230 Key E Slot for WiFi/BT
  • 支援UIO40-Express I/O板擴充
  • 支援Ubuntu、Ycoto Linux和Android


產品官網連結(Product official website link)


硬件接口說明(Hardware interface introduction)

接口布局和尺寸(Layout and Sizes)

RSB-3810 接口布局圖 Board Dimension Layout





Internal I/O


Position Description Connector Type
BAT1 PIN Header for Battery WAFER 8P 2.54mm 180D(M) DIP
BH1 RTC Battery Holder BATTERY HOLDER 24.9*23.4*8.9
CR2032 BH800.4GG
CAN1 CANBus Port 1 BOX HEADER 5x2P 2.54mm 180D(M)
DIP 23N6960-10S10
CAN2 CANBus Port 2 BOX HEADER 5x2P 2.54mm 180D(M)
DIP 23N6960-10S10
COM1 COM Port 1 BOX HEADER 5x2P 2.54mm 180D(M)
DIP 23N6960-10S10
COM3 COM Port 3 (Debug Port) BOX HEADER 5x2P 2.54mm 180D(M)
DIP 23N6960-10S10
CN4 PCIex1 Connector 1 PCIEXPRESS 36P 180D(F) DIP
CN5 PCIex1 Connector 2 PCIEXPRESS 36P 180D(F) DIP
CN6 PCIex1 Connector 3 PCIEXPRESS 36P 180D(F) DIP
CN11 SATA Connector Serial ATA 7P 1.27mm 180D(M) DIP
CN12 SATA Power Connector WAFER 4P 2.5mm 180D(M) DIP
CN22 GPIOx8 sets PIN HEADER 10x2P 2.0mm 180D(M)
DIP 21N22050
CN25 MXM 3.0 Connector MXM Conn. 314P 90D(F) SMD
CN26 M.2 Key E Slots NGFF 75P 0.5mm 90D(F) H=4.2mm
CN38 FAN (Reserved) WTB Con. 3P 2.54mm 180D(M) DIP
CN39 MIPI-CSI1 (FPC, 4-Lane FPC 39P, 0.6mm, H0.9mm
CN40 MIPI-CSI0 (FPC, 2-Lane) FPC 39P, 0.6mm, H0.9mm
CN41 MIPI-CSI0 (Mini-SAS, 2-Lane) Mini SAS 36P/0.8mm/(M)/LCP/VA/G15u/
CN42 MIPI-CSI1 (Mini-SAS, 4-Lane) Mini SAS 36P/0.8mm/(M)/LCP/VA/G15u/
I2C_GP_1 I2C Pin Header WAFER BOX 4P 2.00mm 180D(M) DIP
I2C_CN3 Audio Codec Board PIN HEADER 2x10P 2.54mm 180D(M)
DIP 21N22564
LVDS0 LVDS0 Wafer 2x20P/1.25mm/(M)/NY9T/VA/GFL/
LVDS_BK_PWR LVDS0 Back Light WAFER BOX 5P 2.0mm 180D(M) DIP
LVDS1 LVDS1 Wafer 2x20P/1.25mm/(M)/NY9T/VA/GFL/
LVDS1_BK_PWR LVDS1 Back Light WAFER BOX 5P 2.0mm 180D(M) DIP
SD1 SD Card Slot SD CARD 9P 90D(F) SMD WK2192CS3D-
SPI_CN1 SPI Pin Header PIN HEADER 4x2P 2.54mm 180D(M)
SMD 21N22564
SW2 Reset Button TACT SW STS-091 SMD 4P H=3.8mm
SW4 SLP Button TACT SW STS-091 SMD 4P H=3.8mm
SW5 Power Button TACT SW STS-091 SMD 4P H=3.8mm
USB0_OTG1 USB OTG Micro USB 5P/0.65mm/(F)/NY9T/GFL/
USB-4-5 USB Port 4, Port 5 PIN HEADER 2x5P 2.0mm 180D(M)
SMD 21N22050

Rear I/O

接口引脚定義 (Pin definitions)

机械尺寸 (Mechanical Characteristics)


 Dimensions: SMARC form factor size, 82mm (D) x 50 mm(W)
 Height on Top: Under 3.0 mm base on SPEC definition (without heat sink)
 Height on Bottom: Under 1.3 mm base on SPEC definition



快速入门 (Quick Start)

系统下载 (OS Download)


Linux 燒錄方法 (Linux Flash eMMC Method)

使用Flash tool 燒錄鏡像到eMMC (Flash image into eMMC by Flash Tools)

Step0: 檢查SD卡在Linux 環境的代號 (check SD card symbol in Linux system)



Step1: 創造一張可開機的SD 卡 (Create a bootable SD card)

Step2: 將可開機的SD 卡插入底板SD卡卡槽(Plug the SD card into Carrier board 's SD card slot)

Step4: 確認開機選擇指撥開關

SD 卡開機模式:

Step3:打開電源 和 終端機 (Turn on the Power & Terminal)


Step4: 壓縮flash tools 檔案,並複製到U盤中(the flash tools file , then copy to USB Disk)

Step 5: Yocto 系統會自動掛載 U盤 在(run/media/sda1下)


並拷貝 5720A1AIM30LIVA0271_iMX8M_2G_flash_tool.tgz 到根目錄 (copy the file into Yocto system)

     Commnd :  cp -a  5720A1AIM30LIVA0271_iMX8M_2G_flash_tool.tgz  /

在Yocto 系統中解壓縮(Unzip the file in Yocto system on ROM-5720)

Step 6. 燒錄eMMC 鏡像 (flash image into eMMC flash by flash tool file)

  command : ./ /dev/mmcblk0


Step 7 . 結束燒錄後, 請改變撥碼開關至 1 on , 其他 off (eMMC開機模式) (Finish the flash process, please chanage the switch (SW1) to 1 on , others off )


移除SD卡, 拔除電源 ,改變撥碼開關 (unplug the SD card , turn off power , change the SW1 switch to eMMC mode (1 on , others off)

eMMC mode : 1 on , others off

Step 8. 重新上電開機 ( Turn on the power , then check the Debug message)

Debug 串口調試 (Debug port Setting)

以 Tera Term 为例介绍如何使用串口调试功能

   Baud Rate波特率:115200
   Data 数据位:8
   Parity 奇偶校验:无
   Stop 停止位:1
   Flow Control流控:无

Tera Term Tool



Check the Sriel port in Device Manager (查看PC端的串口号):

if you can not identify the Serial device , please check your serial driver.


Debug port connection (串口連接)


Log into Terminal Tool (进入串口调试终端):


Linux系统的基本使用(Linux System Basic Operating Method)

UUU 使用方法(USB Connection (OTG port))

Display Setting (RSB-3810)

U-boot Command :

乙太網路使用方法(Ethernent Testing Method)

Command : ifconfig



Command: Ping - I eth1

WiFi使用方法(WIFI Testing Method)

Command : 

#killall wpa_supplicant
# ifconfig wlan0 up
# wpa_passphrase "SSID" "PASSWORD" > /tmp/wpa.conf
# wpa_supplicant -BDwext -iwlan0 -c/tmp/wpa.conf
# udhcpc -b -i wlan0

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms


4G使用方法(4G Testing Method)

Test 4G: (EWM-C117FL06E - USB)
      Step 1: Connect EWM-C117FL06E to Mini PCIE slot on 9680015491 and connect
                   the card to CN6 PCIe_D slot on ROM-DB5901.
      Step 2: Connect the antenna 1750007990-01 to the SMA (F) connector on
                   9680015491 and connect the IPEX connector to MT1 on EWM-C117FL06E module.
      Step 3: Connect the Mini USB cable from 9680015491 to USB 2.0 Type A port on
      Step 4: Power on and execute the pppd command to connect to the network.

GPIO使用方法(GPIO Operating Method)


Loop-back Test (Take GPIO4 and GPIO5 as examples)

Step 1: Connect GPIO4 and GPIO5
Step 2: Export GPIO interface

root@imx8mqrom5720a1 : ~# echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/export
root@imx8mqrom5720a1 : ~# echo 132 > /sys/class/gpio/export

Step 3: Set direction

root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio1/direction
root@imx8qxprom5720a1 : ~# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio2/direction

Step 4: Read value and set output value then check

root@imx8mqrom5720a1 : ~# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio2/value
root@imx8mqrom5720a1 : ~# echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio1/value
root@imx8mqrom5720a1 : ~# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio2/value




串口使用方法(Serial Port Operating Method)

RS-232 Test

Loopback test (eg. ttymxc1)
Before loopback test, we should connect tx and rx

<span style="background:#eeeeee">stty -F /dev/ttymxc1 115200

stty -F /dev/ttymxc1 ?echo

cat /dev/ttymxc1 &

echo test > /dev/ttymxc1</span>

=== 蓝牙使用方法(BlueTooth Operating Method) ===
Command :

$ hciconfig hci0 up
$ bluetoothctl
$ discoverable on
$ pairable on
$ scan on
[NEW] FC:18:3C:8D:75:F4 myphone
$ scan off
$ pair FC:18:3C:8D:75:F4
$ connect FC:18:3C:8D:75:F4</pre>

遠程訪問及文件傳輸(Remote Access and File Transimmion)

查看主板IP位址 ( Chech IP Address ):
Command : ifconfig



SSH Remote Log into Device

  • SSH远程登录,以putty选择putty.exe(或者使用Xshell、SecureCRT等类似软件)



通用方法(General Method)

=== 查看CPU温度(Check CPU Temperature) ===
root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp 44600

  1. 或者直接以度爲單位顯示 echo $[$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)/1000]° >>> 45°</pre>

=== 查看CPU频率(Check CPU Frequency) ===
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq
>> 900000
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq
>> 1200000

=== 查看内存容量(Check Memory Capacity) ===
root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# busybox free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1794920 516080 1278840 17252 9852 80292
-/+ buffers/cache: 425936 1368984
Swap: 0 0 0

=== 查看存储容量(Check Storage Capacity) ===
root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# busybox df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 13.4G 1.7G 11.1G 13% /
devtmpfs 395.8M 4.0K 395.8M 0% /dev
tmpfs 876.4M 0 876.4M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 876.4M 16.5M 859.9M 2% /run
tmpfs 876.4M 0 876.4M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 876.4M 4.0K 876.4M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 876.4M 280.0K 876.2M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/mmcblk0p2 13.6G 1.7G 11.3G 13% /run/media/mmcblk0p2
/dev/mmcblk0p1 63.9M 23.4M 40.5M 37% /run/media/mmcblk0p1
/dev/mmcblk1p1 63.9M 23.4M 40.5M 37% /run/media/mmcblk1p1
tmpfs 175.3M 88.0K 175.2M 0% /run/user/0

=== 網路Ping測試(Ping Network Testing) ===
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=2.10 ms</pre>

=== 設置RTC (RTC Setting) ===
root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# systemctl stop ntpdate.service
root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# date 090816072021 && hwclock -w && date
Wed Sep 8 16:07:00 UTC 2021
Wed Sep 8 16:07:00 UTC 2021
root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# date
Wed Sep 8 16:07:06 UTC 2021

Mic錄音 (Mic record)

  1. amixer set Mic 20%
  1. arecord -D plughw:0,0 -r 16000 -f S16_LE ./f-16000.wav
  1. aplay ./f-16000.wav


root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/remove --eth1 will be remove (check with ifconfig)

root@imx8qxprom5720a1:/# echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/rescan --eth1 will back after run this command.


Linux BSP編譯方法(Linux BSP Compile Method)

Android BSP User Guide for mt8395 series 11.0 - ESS-WIKI (