ADD-ONs for Intel Yocto Linux

Revision as of 10:47, 17 January 2024 by Winston.huang (talk | contribs) (TSN)
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  • download and copy the specified add-ons to the target device.
  • run the following commands on Intel Yocto Linux ...
    ##### Intel Yocto Linux #####
    for F in addon_TOP_*.tgz;  do tar xvf $F -C /; done
    for F in addon_USER_*.tgz; do tar xvf $F -C /home/root; done
    # end of Intel Yocto Linux ##
  • run the following commands on Ubuntu with kernel overlay ...
    (only ibecc test script supported by now)
##### Ubuntu with kernel overlay #####
for F in addon_TOP_RPL-P_IBECC_*.tgz;  do sudo tar xvf $F -C /; done
# end of Ubuntu with kernel overlay ##



addon description platform notes
addon_TOP_616446-1.9_20220720_1446.tgz simplify commands EHL/TGL/ADL update for #616446-1.9
addon_TOP_616446-2.0_20221026_0848.tgz EHL/TGL/ADL update for #616446-2.0
addon_TOP_616446-2.2_20221125_1444.tgz EHL/TGL/ADL update for #616446-2.2
addon_TOP_616446-2.4_20230621_1528.tgz EHL/ADL/RPL update for #616446-2.4
(please use 616446-2.6_20240117_1637 instead)
EHL/ADL/RPL update for #616446-2.6
changes for 2 cpu cores
XDP support
(please use 616446-2.6_20240117_1637 instead)
EHL/ADL/RPL refined for 2 cpu cores
addon_TOP_616446-2.6_20240116_1427.tgz EHL/ADL/RPL compatible with Ubuntu
(RPL-P PV2+)
addon_TOP_616446-2.6_20240117_1637.tgz EHL/ADL/RPL (bugfix) Sec. 4.4.1 Step 7
(for Ubuntu)
addon_USER_616446_20220620_1650.tgz additional files in home directory EHL/TGL/ADL update for #616446-1.9
addon_USER_616446_20231101_1054.tgz EHL/TGL/ADL rebuild for #616446-2.6


addon description platform notes
addon_TOP_CANbus_test_scripts_20220712_1516.tgz test flow/steps designed by PM EHL/TGL/ADL extra parameters
time gap, frames


addon description platform notes
addon_TOP_fonts.tgz extra X terminal font EHL/TGL/ADL
addon_TOP_EHL_MR3_i2s-audio_20220615_0936.tgz i2s audio firmware EHL Intel #619566-3.3 (MR3)
addon_TOP_EHL_MR5_i2s-audio_20221108_1612.tgz i2s audio firmware EHL Intel #619566-6.1 (MR5)
addon_TOP_EHL_MR6_i2s-audio_20230428_1209.tgz i2s audio firmware EHL Intel #619566-7.0 (MR6)
addon_TOP_TGL_MR6_i2s-audio_20221026_1008.tgz i2s audio firmware TGL Intel #635120-6.0 (MR6)
addon_TOP_637079-1.4_3.4.5_20220621_0955.tgz enable HDA audio features ADL Intel #637079-1.4 (PV)
addon_USER_dot-icewm_20210901_1718.tgz icewm default settings EHL/TGL/ADL
addon_TOP_ADL-N_IBECC_20230523_1459.tgz In-Band ECC test script ADL-N Intel #750907-1.0
addon_TOP_ADL-N_IBECC_20231110_0929.tgz In-Band ECC test script ADL-N Intel #750907-1.1
addon_TOP_ADL-N_IBECC_20231129_1106.tgz In-Band ECC test script ADL-N Intel #750907-1.1
(Check_Error_Script included)
addon_TOP_RPL-P_IBECC_20231201_1402.tgz In-Band ECC test script RPL-P Intel #751401-1.0