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Android Image Downloads



${BOARD} : target board name (list below)

rsb_4410 / rom_3420 / rom_5420 / rom_7420 / ubc_ds31 / ubc_200 / rsb_6410

${BSPHOME} : the directory that BSP tarball extacted to

${SD_DEVICE} : device name of SD card in Ubuntu (e.g. /dev/sdf)

${MMC_DEVICE} : device name of on-board eMMC in Android (e.g. /dev/block/mmcblk0)

debug console / serial console

serial terminal program (e.g. minicom, putty, teraterm ...) that serial port is configured to 115200 8N1

terminal console

terminal program (e.g. gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal ...)

To create a bootable SD card

Perform the following command in terminal console
$ cd ${BSPHOME}/scripts
$ ./ ${SD_DEVICE}

To transfer whole system to onboard eMMC

Boot up from SD card
Perform the following commands in debug console
# cd /data/mkimage/scripts
# sh ./ ${MMC_DEVICE}
Remove SD card, then target board can boot up from onboard eMMC.

Release Note