IoTGateway/BSP/Linux/APQ8016/BSP User Guide V1

Revision as of 04:53, 8 June 2017 by Weichih.lin (talk | contribs)
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Getting Started


Build Environment on Host

Currently, we adopt Docker as build environment.

You can get the latest version of advrisc/u14.04-410clbv1 Docker image for developing Qualcomm APQ8016 projects.

If you don't know much about Docker, please refer to IoTGateway/Docker for details.


BSP Source

You have two methods to put BSP into Docker container.

Download BSP from GitHub

The oe-rpb-manifest @GitHub is our manifest repository for Qualcomm APQ8016 projects. You can use repo init & repo sync to get the entire BSP we put on GitHub.

Checking the steps in oe-rpb-manifest to get a specific version of BSP or a latest one.

Copy BSP tarball into Container

Downloads Folder

Naming Rule

BSP Content

Build Instructions

Create New Build Environment

$ MACHINE=rsb-4760 DISTRO=rpb source setup-environment <Your build folder>

Load Existed Build Environment

$ source setup-environment <Your build folder>

Build Images

Ref: oe-rpb-manifest

Build Toolchain Installer

$ bitbake rpb-desktop-image -c populate_sdk

Build Bootloader

Refer to Debian_16.09 " How to get and customize the bootloader "

$ git clone git:// -b LA.BR.1.1.3.c4-01000-8x16.0
$ git clone -b debian-qcom-dragonboard410c-LA.BR.1.2.4-00310-8x16.0-linaro2
$ cd lk
$ make -j4 msm8916 EMMC_BOOT=1 TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=<path to arm-eabi-4.8 tree>/bin/arm-eabi-

Build Linux Kernel

Ref: oe-rpb-manifest

Flash Pre-built Images

USB Download Tools

Fastboot Tool

Installation SD Card


Set Up SDK

Create Debian Images

In this section, we will show you how to generate a Debian image based on the same Yocto kernel.

Customize the kernel source code

In Yocto BSP, you can build kernel easily. To learn how to build kernel, you can refer to oe-rpb-manifest.

Then, we need three output files in your build artifacts.

  • Kernel image (Image-MACHINE.bin)
  • DTS image (dt-Image-MACHINE.img)
  • Modules (modules-MACHINE.tgz)

Now you need to create a valid boot image with your own kernel build.

On your host PC, we need to install the following tools:

$ git clone git://

To create the boot image, you also need a ramdisk image, and you can get one from the 96Boards release:

$ wget

The tool mkbootimg is a standalone application that will process all files and create the boot image that can then be booted on the target board, or flash into the on-board eMMC. The boot image also contains the kernel bootargs, which can be changed as needed in the next command:

$ ./skales/mkbootimg --kernel Image-MACHINE.bin \
                   --ramdisk initrd.img-4.9.21-linaro-lt-qcom \
                   --output boot-MACHINE-debian.img \
                   --dt dt-Image-MACHINE.img \
                   --pagesize 2048 \
                   --base 0x80000000 \
                   --cmdline "root=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/rootfs rw rootwait console=ttyMSM0,115200n8"

After this step, you will get a boot image for Debian called boot-MACHINE-debian.img.

Revise Debian Rootfs

Basically, we can adopt Linaro's Debian rootfs directly with a little modifications for kernel modules. First, you can get the Debian rootfs from the 96Boards release:

$ wget

Second, unzip the file and transform it from sparse image to raw image.

$ gunzip linaro-stretch-alip-qcom-snapdragon-arm64-20170427-227.img.gz
$ simg2img linaro-stretch-alip-qcom-snapdragon-arm64-20170427-227.img rootfs.raw

Then, you are able to mount the raw rootfs, and update with your kernel modules.

$ sudo mount -o loop rootfs.raw /mnt
$ sudo rm -rf /mnt/lib/modules/

// Copy firmware & modules into /lib
$ tar zxf modules-MACHINE.tgz
$ sudo cp -a lib/* /mnt/lib
$ sudo umount /mnt

Finally, make the rootfs into sparse image.

$ ext2simg -v rootfs.raw linaro-stretch-alip-qcom-snapdragon-arm64-20170427-227-MACHINE.img

Flash Debian Images

Now, you have both boot & rootfs images. You can easily flash them into eMMC via fastboot utility.

$ fastboot erase boot
$ fastboot flash boot boot-MACHINE-debian.img
$ fastboot erase rootfs
$ fastboot flash rootfs linaro-stretch-alip-qcom-snapdragon-arm64-20170427-227-MACHINE.img

Note: After booting up, you have an important thing to do! You have to generate modules.dep and map files.

$ depmod -a

After reboot, the Debian system should work well!