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For RISC products, we adopt lightweight EdgeSense features. In this chapter, we introduce the basic concepts for these components.

Cloud Solution


ARM mbed Cloud

Edge Intelligent Suite


Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways.

It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click.

To start up Node-RED server on your device, please

1. Check your IP address on device first, e.g. ifconfig

2. Execute node-red to start server.

$ node-red

24 Nov 07:28:47 - [info]

Welcome to Node-RED

====== ======= ======

24 Nov 07:28:47 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.16.2
24 Nov 07:28:47 - [info] Node.js version: v6.10.3
24 Nov 07:28:47 - [info] Linux 4.4.38-4760LIV1121 arm64 LE
24 Nov 07:28:49 - [info] Loading palette nodes
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [warn] [rpi-gpio] Info : Ignoring Raspberry Pi specific node
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] Settings file  : /home/root/.node-red/settings.js
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] User directory : /home/root/.node-red
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] Flows file  : /home/root/.node-red/flows_rsb-4760.json
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] Creating new flow file
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] Starting flows
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] Started flows
24 Nov 07:28:53 - [info] Server now running at

3. Open your browser on your host PC, and go to  http://<your IP address>:1880

You are able to see the website like this.


Advantech also implements some Node-RED nodes. If you're interested, you can check it.

MQTT Broker

There are many MQTT brokers, and we choose Mosquitto as default broker.

You can try this sample flow.

1. Enable Mosquitto broker

# /etc/init.d/mqtt start
Starting MQTT Server:  [ OK ]

2. Subscribe a topic

# mosquitto_sub -d -t 'risc/topic'
Client mosqsub/2768-rsb-4760 sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub/2768-rsb-4760 received CONNACK
Client mosqsub/2768-rsb-4760 sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: risc/topic, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub/2768-rsb-4760 received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0

3. Connect from another terminal, e.g. SSH. Then, publish contents for this topic.

# mosquitto_pub -d -t 'risc/topic' -m 'advantech'
Client mosqpub/2767-rsb-4760 sending CONNECT
Client mosqpub/2767-rsb-4760 received CONNACK
Client mosqpub/2767-rsb-4760 sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'risc/topic', ... (9 bytes))
Client mosqpub/2767-rsb-4760 sending DISCONNECT

4. You should be able to see contents from Subscriber side.

Client mosqsub/2766-rsb-4760 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'risc/topic', ... (9 bytes))


SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine. It reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. SQLite is also a compact library. So, you can write programs that use SQLite in many supported languages, such as C/C++, GO, Java, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, etc.

Here is a SQL example. You can input these commands on your devices for trial.

# sqlite3 test.db3
SQLite version 3.11.0 2016-02-15 17:29:24
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

sqlite> create table project(model, vendor, chipset);
sqlite> create index project_model_index on project(model);

sqlite> insert into project values ('RSB-4760', 'Qualcomm', 'APQ8016');
sqlite> insert into project values ('RSB-4411', 'NXP', 'i.MX6');
sqlite> insert into project values ('ROM-7421', 'NXP', 'i.MX6');
sqlite> insert into project values ('UBC-221', 'Intel', 'Quark');

sqlite> select * from project;

sqlite> select * from project where vendor='NXP';

sqlite> select count(*) from project;

sqlite> .quit

For more information, you can refer to the SQLite official website.

- SQLite In 5 Minutes Or Less

- Command Line Shell For SQLite


Secure Boot

License Mechanism





Customized Services

Quick Boot
