This logging library provides one sample way(which is like printf function) to log messages from application, and has many modern features as below
- Showing on console and storing into storage in the same time.
- Be colorful and gradational to highlight information.
- Support two kinds of record format in text and HTML.
- Rolling file to avoid out of storage.
- Support three storing policies to limit the number of amount in folder, the number of file in current process and the size of current file.
- Support remote control to change setting dynamically.
- ADV_PRINT(level, fmt, ...)
- level: debug level.
- fmt: format like printf.
- ...: arguments like printf.
- ADV_C_PRINT(level, color, fmt, ...)
- level: debug level.
- color: color code.
- fmt: format like printf.
- ...: arguments like printf.
Configure File Format
Configure file is in JSON Format:
"default": {
"static": {
"level": 5,
"information": 1
"dynamic": {
"level": 5,
"information": 0,
"hide": ""
"path": "./logs",
"files": 30,
"limit": 102400,
"number": 2
- [path]: set log files path (default:./logs)
- [files]: set the max existing file number of all the files in the log path (a.k.a amount) (default:100, min:30, max:200)
- [limit]: set the max rolling threshold byte of this process -------------- (unit: byte) (default:102400, min:10240)
- [number]: set the max rolling file number of this process ---------------- (a.k.a count) (default:2, min:2, max:20)
- [static/dynamic]: "static" means the settings of writing to log file. "dynamic" means the setting of display on console.
- [level]: Set log level (default:5)(negative means gray mode in dynamic and text mode in static),
- 1:Fatal
- 2:Error
- 3:Warning
- 4:Notice
- 5:Info(Normal)
- 7:Debug
- [information]: Enable additional information Flag(default:0)
- 0: No other information;
- 1: Showing timestamp, message level, file path, line number and etc.
- [hide]:Hide DYNAMIC message (default:"", example:"1,3,5" to hide level 1, 3 and 5 message)
Remote control
You can only use the following code to realize your remote control application.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "AdvLog.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
AdvLog_Control(argc, argv);
Option -p [pid]: Set pid *(MUST be ASSIGNED)*
Option -s [level]: Set STATIC level ------------------------------------------------ (default:5) (positive means HTML mode, negative means text mode)
Option -i [0|1]: Enable STATIC info ------------------------------------------------ (default:1)
Option -d [level]: Set DYNAMIC level ----------------------------------------------- (default:5) (positive means colorful mode, negative means gray mode)
Option -j [0|1]: Enable DYNAMIC info ----------------------------------------------- (default:0)
Option -b {level string}: Hide DYNAMIC message ------------------------------------- (default:"", example:"1,3,5")
Option -x [path]: set log files path ----------------------------------------------- (default:./logs)
Option -a [files]: set the max existing file number of all the files in the log path (a.k.a amount) (default:100, min:30, max:200)
Option -l [limit]: set the max rolling threshold byte of this process -------------- (unit: byte) (default:102400, min:10240)
Option -n [number]: set the max rolling file number of this process ---------------- (a.k.a count) (default:2, min:2, max:20)
Option -f: import configure file
Option -e: export configure file
Option -v: Show all parameter
./logconf -p [your pid] -v
[s]Static Level: 5 [i]Static Info: 1 [d]Dynamic Level: 5 [j]Dynamic Info: 1 [b]Hide: [x]Path: ./logs [a]Files: 30 [l]Limit: 10240 [n]Number: 5 [f]Configure file: ./log.ini [m]Configure name: default
Output Log Format
Default output format is html file:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style type="text/css">body{color:white;background-color:black}log{display:block;}red>script{color:red;background-color:black}red{color:red;background-color:black}green>script{color:green;background-color:black}green{color:green;background-color:black}yellow>script{color:yellow;background-color:black}yellow{color:yellow;background-color:black}blue>script{color:#1569C7;background-color:black}blue{color:#1569C7;background-color:black}purple>script{color:purple;background-color:black}purple{color:purple;background-color:black}cyan>script{color:cyan;background-color:black}cyan{color:cyan;background-color:black}gray{color:#1C1C1C;background-color:black}redbg>script{color:white;background-color:red}redbg{color:white;background-color:red}greenbg>script{color:white;background-color:green}greenbg{color:white;background-color:green}yellowbg>script{color:black;background-color:yellow}yellowbg{color:black;background-color:yellow}bluebg>script{color:white;background-color:blue}bluebg{color:white;background-color:blue}purplebg>script{color:white;background-color:purple}purplebg{color:white;background-color:purple}cyanbg>script{color:black;background-color:cyan}cyanbg{color:black;background-color:cyan}whitebg>script{color:black;background-color:white}whitebg{color:black;background-color:white}script{display:block;}</style></head><body><pre><log><code> general> Initialize
</code><gray> [2016/06/29 16:27:42] [INFO] (.\SAGeneralHandler.c,General_Initialize,327)</gray>
</log><log><script type="text/plain"> general>Recv Topic [/cagent/admin/0000000BAB4231C8/agentcallbackreq] Data {"susiCommData":{"commCmd":2051,"requestID":0,"agentID":"","handlerName":"general","sendTS":1467188865}}
</script><gray> [2016/06/29 16:27:45] [INFO] (.\SAGeneralHandler.c,General_HandleRecv,372)</gray>
</log><log><script type="text/plain"> general>Recv Topic [/cagent/admin/0000000BAB4231C8/agentcallbackreq] Data {"susiCommData":{"requestItems":{},"commCmd":2056,"requestID":0,"agentID":"","handlerName":"general","sendTS":1467188865}}
</script><gray> [2016/06/29 16:27:45] [INFO] (.\SAGeneralHandler.c,General_HandleRecv,372)</gray>