IDP Qualification/Installation 3.0

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Install the Diagnostics Tool on the Gateway

1. Power on your gateway and login using root as both the user ID and the password

2. If you are behind your corporate firewall, you may need to set up a proxy. Contact your IT department for your proxy IP address and port.

Then set it up on your gateway, :replacing proxy server IP address:port with the IP address and port for your proxy:
export http_proxy=http://proxy server IP address:port

Note: Your system need 250MB free size in "/". Check by "#df -h".
How to extend your target size. Refer to File System - Re-size your file system

3. Install the Diagnostics Tool on your gateway:

smart channel --add diag type=rpm-md name=diag_REPO baseurl=http://
smart update diag
smart install diag
Note: Folder under /opt/Intel/Diagnostics/gateway/HostScripts/UNIX/opt/intel/qualification/
      README.TXT: Basic test information, test procedures, and test categories.

Install the Diagnostics Tool on the Windows ( UI Computer )

1. Copy the gateway directory /opt/Intel/Diagnostics/UI-Windows-Installer from the gateway to the USB flash drive:

Note: When the USB flash drive is inserted into the gateway, the FAT32 partition will be auto-mounted at mount point /media/sdX1, where X represents the USB flash drive

2. Copy UI-Windows-Installer from the USB flash drive to a directory on the UI Computer.

3. On the UI Computer, use administrator privileges to open a command prompt window. ( You must install with administrator privileges. )

4. Change to the UI-Windows-Installer directory on the UI Computer.

5. While still at the command prompt, type InstallHealthCheck.bat and press Enter.

6. When the installation completes, click Finish

7. Require to Install .NET Framework Version 4.5

8. Type Intel.Gateway.Health.Check.UI.Setup.msi and press Enter. The Diagnostics User Interface loads.

Running Diagnostics Tools

Start Diagnostics Console Program on Gateways

1. Login to the gateway using root as both the username and password
2. Start the diagnostics agent:


Run Automated Tests

1. On your UI Computer, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel Gateway HealthCheck UI.
2. Run Intel.Gateway.Health.Check.UI.exe

Note: If you do not see a gateway listed, either that gateway is on a different subnet, or you did not complete Start Diagnostics Console Program on
      Gateways. If you completed the steps above and do not see a connected gateway in the list, see Manually Discovering Gateways

Please reference to IDP Diagnostic Tool-2015-11. Page 10 ~ 13

Viewing Detailed Result

Detailed test results can be viewed on the gateway using the following steps.

1. Connect a keyboard and monitor to the gateway.
2. Login using root as both the user ID and the password.
3. View test results by viewing the text files in directory /opt/Intel/Diagnostics/gateway/HostScripts/UNIX/opt/intel/qualification/.assets/log