Yocto3.0 OTA

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Yocto3.0 OTA

First Release

1. Get Based Image   (Dropbox Server : \share\temp\Yocto3.0_OTA_BaseImage\5720_Based_Image.sdcard  ) and Recovery Image. (Dropbox Server : \share\temp\Yocto3.0_OTA_BaseImage\recovery.img)

2. Get officialbuild or dailybuild Yocto 3.0 Image   (xxxA1AIM30LIVAxxx_iMX8xx_xx_2021-xx-xx.img.gz)

3. Flash the Yocto 3.0 Image to SD card.

4. Creat the New Yocto Image (with OTA function)

-> Update manually some partitions

(1) Update Uboot   -->  dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/sdx    (sdx -->  sda or sdb or sdc ....)    (flash.bin form Yocto 3.0 Image)
(2) Update Kernel  -->  copy kernel (file)  from Yocto3.0 Image /dev/sdx1  to Based Image /dev/sdx1 
(3) Update Recovery  --> sudo dd if=recovery-imx8mqrom5720a1.img of=/dev/sde3
(4) Update Rootfs   --> sudo dd if=rootfs.img of=/dev/sde2   (rootfs.img form Yocto3.0 images)  .  (PS: The rootfs (from sd card image))
(5) Update Rootfs : Create cache partition
     step1 :  vim /etc/fstab       
                  ADD -->  /dev/disk/by-label/cache      /cache               ext4       nosuid,nodev,nomblk_io_submit 0 0
     step2 :   copy do_update.sh and New update.zip to /tools/
        ** New update.zip  in dailybuild or officiailbuild folder

(6) Update OTA Flow (./do_update.sh)