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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
This logging library provides one sample way to log messages from application, and has many modern features which are listed below
This logging library provides one sample way(which is like printf function) to log messages from application, and has many modern features which are listed below
#Showing on console and storing into storage in the same time.
#Showing on console and storing into storage in the same time.

Revision as of 09:51, 1 October 2018


This logging library provides one sample way(which is like printf function) to log messages from application, and has many modern features which are listed below

  1. Showing on console and storing into storage in the same time.
  2. Be colorful and gradational to highlight information.
  3. Support two kinds of record format in text and HTML.
  4. Rolling file to avoid out of storage.
  5. Support three storage policies to limit the number of amount in folder, the number of file in current process and the size of current file.
  6. Support remote control to change setting dynamically.


  • ADV_PRINT(level, fmt, ...)
  • ADV_C_PRINT(level, color, fmt, ...)

Configure File Format

Configure file is in JSON Format:

    "default":  {
        "static":  {
            "level":  5,
            "information":  1
        "dynamic":  {
            "level":  5,
            "information":  0,
            "hide":  ""
        "path":  "./logs",
        "files":  30,
        "limit":  102400,
        "number":  2
  • [path]: set log files path (default:./logs)
  • [files]: set the max existing file number of all the files in the log path (a.k.a amount) (default:100, min:30, max:200)
  • [limit]: set the max rolling threshold byte of this process -------------- (unit: byte) (default:102400, min:10240)
  • [number]: set the max rolling file number of this process ---------------- (a.k.a count) (default:2, min:2, max:20)
  • [static/dynamic]: "static" means the settings of writing to log file. "dynamic" means the setting of display on console.
  • [level]: Set log level (default:5)(negative means gray mode in dynamic and  text mode in static),
  • [information]: Enable additional information Flag(default:0)
0: No other information;
1: Showing timestamp, message level, file path, line number and etc.
  • [hide]:Hide DYNAMIC message (default:"", example:"1,3,5" to hide level 1, 3 and 5 message)

Remote control

Output Log Format

Default output format is html file:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style type="text/css">body{color:white;background-color:black}log{display:block;}red>script{color:red;background-color:black}red{color:red;background-color:black}green>script{color:green;background-color:black}green{color:green;background-color:black}yellow>script{color:yellow;background-color:black}yellow{color:yellow;background-color:black}blue>script{color:#1569C7;background-color:black}blue{color:#1569C7;background-color:black}purple>script{color:purple;background-color:black}purple{color:purple;background-color:black}cyan>script{color:cyan;background-color:black}cyan{color:cyan;background-color:black}gray{color:#1C1C1C;background-color:black}redbg>script{color:white;background-color:red}redbg{color:white;background-color:red}greenbg>script{color:white;background-color:green}greenbg{color:white;background-color:green}yellowbg>script{color:black;background-color:yellow}yellowbg{color:black;background-color:yellow}bluebg>script{color:white;background-color:blue}bluebg{color:white;background-color:blue}purplebg>script{color:white;background-color:purple}purplebg{color:white;background-color:purple}cyanbg>script{color:black;background-color:cyan}cyanbg{color:black;background-color:cyan}whitebg>script{color:black;background-color:white}whitebg{color:black;background-color:white}script{display:block;}</style></head><body><pre><log><code> general> Initialize
</code><gray>	[2016/06/29 16:27:42] [INFO] (.\SAGeneralHandler.c,General_Initialize,327)</gray>
</log><log><script type="text/plain"> general>Recv Topic [/cagent/admin/0000000BAB4231C8/agentcallbackreq] Data {"susiCommData":{"commCmd":2051,"requestID":0,"agentID":"","handlerName":"general","sendTS":1467188865}}
</script><gray>	[2016/06/29 16:27:45] [INFO] (.\SAGeneralHandler.c,General_HandleRecv,372)</gray>
</log><log><script type="text/plain"> general>Recv Topic [/cagent/admin/0000000BAB4231C8/agentcallbackreq] Data {"susiCommData":{"requestItems":{},"commCmd":2056,"requestID":0,"agentID":"","handlerName":"general","sendTS":1467188865}}
</script><gray>	[2016/06/29 16:27:45] [INFO] (.\SAGeneralHandler.c,General_HandleRecv,372)</gray>
and showed on browser as below.
Output sample