SW Service/Node-Red for SW Service
Node-RED is available as open source and implemented by the IBM Emerging Technology organization. It provides a browser-based flow editor that easily wires together flows using the wide range nodes in the palette. Flows can be then deployed to the runtime in a single-click. The flows created in Node-RED are stored using JSON which can be easily imported and exported for sharing with others. With built in node.js, it can be run at the edge of the network or in the cloud. The node package manager (npm) ecosystem can be used to easily extend the palette of nodes available, enabling connections to new devices and services.
Node-RED nodes provided by ADVANTECH
A collection of Node-RED nodes to read and write Node-RED flows. There are 6 nodes in this package:
- flow reader: read Node-RED flows from user specified URL.
- flow writer: write Node-RED flows to user specified URL.
- flow cloner: read Node-RED flows from localhost and write to user specified URL.
- flow communicator: dispatch user specified sheet to destination Node-Red server and receive data returned by dispatched flows.
- delegate input: will be replaced by a configured ready websocket-in node while flow is dispatched by flow communicator node.
- delegate output: will be replaced by a configured ready websocket-out node while flow is dispatched by flow communicator node.
A collection of Node-RED nodes to Access ADVANTECH platform HW function by node-susiiot & node-susi. There are 6 nodes in this package:
- Temperature: read platfom temperature (CPU, SYS...) through node-susi.
- Voltage: read platfom voltage (12V, 5V...) through node-susi.
- Fan Speed: read platfom fan speed (CPU, SYS...) through node-susi.
- IoT Info: read platfom all function's capability through node-susiiot .
- IoT Data: read platfom function's data through node-susiiot.
- IoT Control: set platfom function's data through node-susiiot.
A collection of Node-RED nodes to perform communication between Node-RED node and apps.