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Set up imx8 SCFW Porting Kit​ environment

1.Download the SCFW Porting Kit​

Download the SCFW Porting Kit​ according to the Linux Release​ from the following website

2.Setup the cross compiler

Download and run the installer from

1.You can download the latest version cross-compiler gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2 from the site and decompression it to get the directory gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major.

2.Create a new system environment variable and name it TOOLS.

The value of this variable should point to the Arm GCC Embedded tool chain installation path. For this example, the path is:

$ export TOOLS=/work/platforms/tmp/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major

3.Add DDR cfg file

Add the .cfg file to dcd directory from the DDR tool.

  • For the ROM-7720:


  • For the ROM-5620:


4.Build SCFW Porting Kit

  • For the ROM-7720:

$ make clean-qm

$ make clean

(1) Build the SCFW with debug message:

$ make qm B=val D=1 M=1 R=B0 DDR_CON=ROM7720_imx8qm_dcd_1.6GHz

(2) Build the SCFW with no debug message:

$ make qm B=val D=0 M=0 R=B0 DDR_CON=ROM7720_imx8qm_dcd_1.6GHz

  • For the ROM-5620:

$ make clean-qx

$ make clean

(1) Build the SCFW with debug message:

$ make qx B=mek D=1 M=1 R=B0 DDR_CON=ROM5620_MX8QXP_B0_LPDDR4_2GB_RPA_1.2GHz_v12

(2) Build the SCFW with no debug message:

$ make qx B=mek D=0 M=0 R=B0 DDR_CON=ROM5620_MX8QXP_B0_LPDDR4_2GB_RPA_1.2GHz_v12

5.SCFW File

The scfw_tcm.bin is the SCFW.