Android Software Features

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Logo Change

Logo for customer Boot Logo U-boot [Android 4.2 ~ Android 4.4]

 (1)  BSP support
 (2)  Convert the bmp file to hex value.
      Example : bmp file name is aaa.c
 (3)  Step1.
        Add aaa.o in board/freescale/common/Makefile
        Add aaa.c in board/freescale/common/
        Modify LCD setting in board/freescale/mx6q-rom-3420/mx6q_rom-3420.c
        Fill in correct timing parameters for customer panel.
        Enable CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN config
        Set lvds_num to 0, because we use LVDS0 channel.

Boot Logo Android Frameworks [Android 4.2 ~ Android 4.4]

 (1) Please rename your Logo file to "android-logo-mask.png"
 (2) Replace the logo image file
     --> frameworks/base/core/res/assets/images/android-logo-mask.png.

ADV Loader

(ADV loader)Advantech loader in RISC

RISC platform boot sequence.

Adv loader2.png

ADV loader have some function.

1. Include DDR parameter

2. Multi-Boot function

Android Version

Get Android Version

 # getprop 

Get Android SDK Version

 # getprop 

Linux Kernel Version

Get Linux Kernel Version

# uname -r
# 3.14.52 

USB Camera

USB Camera Porting Add support USB camera in android 6.0.1.

(1) Add  "setprop back_camera_name uvc" in device/fsl/xxx/init.rc

$ vim device/fsl/xxx/init.rc
    #Define the config for dual camera
    setprop camera.disable_zsl_mode 1
    #For landscape mode, orient is 0
    #For portrait mode, orient is 90
    #the android before honycomb are all in portrait mode
	setprop back_camera_name ov5640_mipi
    setprop back_camera_name uvc
    setprop back_camera_orient 0
    #setprop front_camera_orient 0
(2) Add  "setprop back_camera_name uvc" in device/fsl/xxx/init.i.MX6Q.rc
$ vim device/fsl/xxx/init.i.MX6Q.rc
    on boot
    # Set OpenGLES version
    setprop ro.opengles.version 131072

    # Set GPU 3D minimum clock to 3/64
    write /sys/bus/platform/drivers/galcore/gpu3DMinClock 3

    # set back camera.
    setprop back_camera_name ov5640_mipi
    setprop back_camera_name uvc

    # disable front camera.
      setprop front_camera_name 0


3G module Porting (QUECTEL UC20)

(1) In linux kernel

1. You need to add the mechanism for processing zero packets during transmission of “usb_wwan.c” file under “[KERNEL]/drivers/usb/serial”. 

You need to add the following statements to the “usb_wwan_setup_urb” function, as shown below:

/* Helper functions used by usb_wwan_setup_urbs */
static struct urb *usb_wwan_setup_urb(struct usb_serial *serial, int endpoint,
                      int dir, void *ctx, char *buf, int len,
                      void (*callback) (struct urb *))
    struct urb *urb;

    if (endpoint == -1)
        return NULL;    /* endpoint not needed */

    urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);    /* No ISO */
    if (urb == NULL) {
        dbg("%s: alloc for endpoint %d failed.", __func__, endpoint);
        return NULL;

    /* Fill URB using supplied data. */
    usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, serial->dev,
              usb_sndbulkpipe(serial->dev, endpoint) | dir,
              buf, len, callback, ctx);

    /*Quectel PRODEUCTS*/
    if (dir == USB_DIR_OUT) {
        struct usb_device_descriptor *desc = &serial->dev->descriptor;
        if (desc->idVendor == 0x05C6 && (desc->idProduct == 0x9003 
            || desc->idProduct == 0x9090 
            || desc->idProduct == 0x9215)) {
                urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;
    return urb;

2.  Add UC15/UC20/EC20's Vendor ID and Product ID in "option_ids[]" in the file "drivers/usb/serial/option.c":

static const struct usb_device_id option_ids[] = {
 // Added by Quectel
{ USB_DEVICE(0x05C6, 0x9090) }, //For UC15
{ USB_DEVICE(0x05C6, 0x9003) }, //For UC20
{ USB_DEVICE(0x05C6, 0x9215) }, //For EC20

(2) You need to configure the kernel to support PPP dial up. Check your menuconfig.    Ref: Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_User_Guide_V1.3.pdf 

  ps : In android 4.4.2. we already enable ppp config and USB driver for GSM/CDMA modems.

(3)  Modify init.rc.  In android\device\fsl\imx6\etc\init.rc.

  on boot
    setprop rild.libargs "-d /dev/ttyUSB2"

  service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/
      class main
      socket rild stream 660 root radio
      socket rild-debug stream 660 radio system
      user root
      group radio cache inet misc audio sdcard_rw log

(4)  tar zxvf reference-ril.tar.gz to android/hardware/ril/

(5)  Mark chat.c module form AOSP  (android\external\ppp\pppd\

# Force sizeof(enum)=4
LOCAL_CFLAGS := -fno-short-enums -DANDROID_CHANGES -DCHAPMS=1 -DMPPE=1 -Iexternal/openssl/include


#include $(CLEAR_VARS)
#LOCAL_SRC_FILES := chat.c
#LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional


GPS Porting (QUECTEL UC20)

This document mainly introduces how to integrate the GPS driver into Android OS for Quectel GPS module.

(1) In linux kernel: Check vid and pid.

(2) Copy Source Code Directory of GPS Driver

Copy the “gps/” from source code directory of Quectel GPS driver to “(_$AndroidSourceRoot)/hardware /libhardware /modules”.

(3) Modify Android Makefile Modify the “” file under the “(_$AndroidSourceRoot)/hardware/libhardware/modules” directory as below:

hardware_modules := gralloc hwcomposer audio nfc gps
include $(call all-named-subdir-makefiles,$(hardware_modules))
(4) Load GPS Driver When Quectel GPS module is connected with the Android system mentioned above, the system will recognize Quectel GPS module first and load the GPS driver. After the GPS driver has been loaded, you can use GPS Application to test. Quectel (5) Modify GPS Configuration File Quectel GPS driver has a configuration file named “gps_cfg.inf”, you should copy it to “/system/etc” on your board, and modify the file to adapt your requirement as below:
1. Modify GPS module type (take UC20 for example):

2. Modify NMEA port path (take UC20 for example):

3. Modify baud rate (take UC20 for example):

(6) Modify GPS Log Mode (Optional) The default GPS log mode is system mode, you can get log by following command:
logcat -s gps_ql
If you need to redirect GPS log to other log file, you can modify following code in “gps_ql.c”:
#define QL_GPS_LOG
The default GPS log file is “/mnt/ql_gps_log”. If you need to change it, you can modify the following code in “ql-log.c”:
#define QL_GPS_LOG_PATH "/mnt/ql_gps_log"
<Solution> Fail to Get GPS Data If your GPS application fails to get GPS data, you should check the following aspects:
  1. Move your GPS antenna out of your window, make sure it can receive GPS signal.
  2. Ensure the directory of “/system/lib/hw” only has “”.
  3. Ensure you have modify “gps_cfg.inf” correctly.
  4. Ensure “gps_cfg.inf” is in the right directory on your board.
  5. Ensure the GPS in Android system setting has been enabled.
  6. Check GPS log to ensure the GPS driver has been loaded.
  7. If you have checked all the aspects above, and the problem cannot be solved yet, please modify the

GPS log level to “LOG_DEBUG”. After obtaining GPS log file, please send the file to Quectel technical support, we will solve your problem as soon as possible.


ADB over TCP/IP (Example: Android 6.0.1_2.1.0 version)

Step1  In devices/Platform

# stop adbd
# setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
# start adbd

Step2  In PC (Ubuntu)

$ adb connect
$ adb shell

Android Startup Manager

Step1: Install Startup Manager APK.

Step2: Choose the "Customize" item and Add Startup Items(APP)


Step3: System restart